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𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮
3 years ago

Lori, I'm gay," Nick told her in her room.
"Oh nick I am so proud of you." She said and hugged him.
"But I can't say I didn't know."
"It was pretty obvious, wasn't it?" she nodded and pulled away.

"But please don't come to me when you have boy problems, because I don't want to get involved in the drama with you and Chris." Nick said and she rolled her eyes.

He looked at her with wide eyes.
"You didn't deny that there would be some. I knew it, you like him!"
"That was more than obvious." She confessed.

"Oh my god, you have to tell him."
"No, I don't want to ruin the friendship."
"It was never just friendship between you."
"Shut up, nick."

Day 2 of my senior year began and I continued to hide. I took my chemistry book out of my locker and when I closed it, there was Nick. I almost dropped the book in shock.

"So, you're back." He said.
"You scared me." I said and walked towards the chemistry room. He walked next to me.
"You don't have to run away from me Lori, I'm not going to let a drama like this ruin my last year of high school."
" I think you should give me a wide berth, everything about me screams drama right now."

It got quiet between us for a second maybe because this feld so normal.
"Nick, I'm sorry. For everything."
"I know. That's exactly why I'm not mad."
"You're not?"
"No. It's been two years and I'm sure you've bruised enough. Especially after what happened with Chris."
"That's more than I deserve, Nick." I said and looked at him.

He looked at me with an understanding look. He could always understand me best of all three boys. For him I was always an open book no matter what he did, he had always been like a brother to me.

"When do you want to clear this up with Chris?" he said and I looked away from him.

"I don't think he wants to. Plus, maybe he needs more time," I said and nick laughed.
"Wasn't two years enough?" I looked at him again and when he looked at me his smile disappeared.

"Nick, I'll do what he said, he never wants to hear from me again, so I won't contact him".
"I'll stay out of it, it's your business."

We parted ways and I went into the room, half of them were already there and I sat down in my seat. When Matt walked in with his friends he looked at me and smiled I smiled back and watched him squat on the same seat as yesterday.
"I'm so sorry I forgot about you yesterday, Loureline." Amber said as she sat down across from me in the cafeteria. "It's fine, you and your friends must have had a lot to talk about," I said and continued to eat.

Then I took a closer look at her. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she was wearing a red and white top with a matching skirt.

"Are you a cheerleader?" I asked her and she looked at me sheepishly.
"Yes, I started the year you left. I'm actually the captain."
"Are you serious? That's great, it's always been your dream." I said and rejoiced with her.

"You remember?"
"Of course I do."
"You always wanted to be one too, oh, if you want I can get you on the team." She said enthusiastically.

I shook my head, this was maybe my dream but to start a sport now was not on my plan.

"No, but thank you."
"Oh why not, you would do so well."
"Am, I can think of better things right now than cheering Chris and Matt on at their lacrosse game." I said.

And she nodded knowingly.
"Matt said he talked to you and it went well." She said and her eyes lit up. She still had feelings for him.

2 years ago

,,Oh, what on earth am I supposed to do to make him see that I have feelings for him?" asked Amber desperately, throwing her head into her pillow.

"Ever thought of just telling him?" asked Loureline.
"Are you crazy? That would be embarrassing and it's not like you and Chris where everyone obviously sees that you are made for each other. Matt is secretive and you can't see what's going on inside him."
"There's no way you're going to find out if you just wait for something to happen."
"Can't you just ask him, you guys have known each other since kindergarten."

"First of all, no way, I'm not playing armor and secondly, you've known him since kindergarten too."

"But with you it's different, you've always hung out together and he's your best friend."

"Yes, but if he tells me something I can't just tell anyone, especially not the person it concerns."

"Okay, you're right."

Of course Loureline knew that Matt felt something similar, he was like an open book for her. He liked her, he just didn't know it yet.

"Yeah, I guess it went as well as it could have."I replied.
"You're friends again?" she wanted to know, but I shrugged.
"I don't know, he said he needed time and I gave it to him." As soon as I finished talking, I saw him coming towards us.

He smiled warmly as he greeted us. ,,Hey Am, Hey Lori. We just found out that our first lacrosse game is on Friday. Are you coming?" he asked, looking at me to indicate that he meant me too.

"What a stupid question, I'm a cheerleader, you dumbass." I had to laugh when she hit him on the back of the head. "I always forget that."

I decided to tease him a bit, "You just want to make sure she comes," I said and he pretended not to hear. But he gave me a look that told me I was right.

"Lori are you coming? Then you'll see me in action." Amber asked. I shook my head.
"No, I don't think so."
"But why?" I raised my eyebrows.
"You're really asking that?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and started a new topic. I looked around the room for Nick. And then I saw Chris sitting at a table at the end of the room with his lacrosse friends.

He was laughing because of something Zain, one of his friends, said and he threw his head back to laugh. I couldn't look away, I don't know why. And then it happened, his eyes met mine and his smile disappeared.

Everything in me wanted to go to him and apologize because I missed him so much, but I saw nothing of what made him who he was in his eyes. His eyes always shone with his joy of life and his carefree nature.

But the eyes that looked at me were not happy, they were sad and angry. They did not sparkle with joy as before, they burned with disappointment and anger. I shook my head slightly to tell myself to go.
"I'm going to the bathroom, Matt, I'll see you in math class," I said and left the cafeteria.

𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - Chris SturnioloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora