Seeking Sensation [Part 2/5]

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"Hey, guys, your girl Lynn. Is in. Tonight!" greeted Lynn Valentine, flashing a peace sign at her reflection in the mirror.

Trinette felt the curl of Lynn's smile, her left fist nudged into her hip as she struck her introductory pose. Lynn wore gray shorts and a sports bra beneath a black shirt reading VIVA LAS VEGAS the night that Povie was made, and ten million viewers wore Lynn like the most valuable article of clothing they'd ever received.

"So far, Vegas has been amazing," said Lynn. "We played poker, we swam with Liam, we went clubbing at the top of Mandalay Bay. And after letting you guys take a vote, we joined that amateur pole-dancing contest at Tiny Dancers! We didn't win, of course, but it was still so much fun! You guys are really bringing me out of my shell, and I hope you guys have been enjoying everything as much as I have. But you should also be lucky none of you will be as sore as I am right now. Like, it is insane how sore I am from all the walking and dancing. Consider that the excuse for all the extra drinks and gummies we've been feeling lately."

There were a select number of Povies that allowed its audience to experience the pain of its star. Lynn's were not one of them. If she did, she'd have no one. Or perhaps the contrary. She'd have what remained of the world that hadn't spent a day in her shoes. A pretty face that wasn't a perfect angel after all, a surprising preference of many.

"But I hate to say it, guys," said Lynn. "We're going back home tomorrow. I know, very sad. But at least you'll get to relive this entire trip anytime you want! And because of that, I wanted to end our time here in Vegas trying something new again."

Though the Povie had higher authority over Trinette's physical sensations than she did, she couldn't resist the knot forming in her stomach. The life-changing moment was approaching, the top of the rabbit hole down to Wonderland that made her and Trevor realize they could be Alice anytime they wanted.

"I don't know where Liam is right now," said Lynn as she scratched her head, which Trinette flinched at. "Probably buying gummies again, I wouldn't be surprised. We'll probably see it on his profile later. But while he's away, I'm gonna give you guys something you've been asking for since I first started making Povies. Drumroll..."

Lynn beat her hands against her thighs to a fast rhythm, and Trinette felt it all. Her toned legs, her perfect skin, the muscles in her face tensing from her unshakable smile. Then Lynn threw up her hands and declared, "We're doing a body tour!"

Trinette gulped. Sadness crept behind the excitement she borrowed from Lynn, but she also felt Lynn's smile faltering slightly. Lynn rested her arms on her side with an atypical stiffness. Atypical at the time, however, as this was before her intimate encounters with Liam became the defining image of the Povie industry.

"Not gonna lie," she said, "I'm kinda nervous about doing this. I mean, you've all seen me in swimwear, but...I dunno, this feels different. Way more...intimate, I guess? But you all have had nothing but kind things to say about all my Povies before this, so consider this my way of saying thank you. I really hope you guys enjoy." She exhaled. "Where do we start off?"

A historical moment for Lynn Valentine. For Trinette. For Trevor. The first to go was her shirt, and she talked about the brand and size of the sports bra she wore before sliding it off. She caressed her breasts, asking her audience how they felt in their hands, and then moved on to her shorts. The shorts came down, then her panties, and her audience felt her hands smooth across her ass down to her thighs. For the first time ever, the world got a glimpse of Lynn Valentine baring all. She was happy, standing tall and proud as adrenaline flooded her body. So proud, in fact, that her body tour concluded with her lying in bed, eyes on her reflection so her audience could not only feel her masturbate, but watch.

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