Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

        "Okay, see you in a bit," he said, getting up and shooting a doubtful look over his shoulder as he shut the door behind him. Glancing at the clock, I saw that he would be on time. I, however, would have to hope for fashionably late.

        My hair was far from perfect, but it would have to do. "Shoes, shoes, shoes," I chanted, flying into the empty bedroom. Oh, found them. Strappy heels; who picked these out? Oh, I did. That was stupid, I'm bound to trip in these.

        Finally, I was ready. Sneaking quietly into the hallway, I made my way down the hall to the balcony entrance of the ballroom. Yes, Grayson had a literal ballroom in his house. Was I jealous? Of course–what girl doesn't want a full marble ballroom in her house? When I'd found out, I'd secretly been hoping that maybe he'd have a ball. Except now Laura was having a ball and it would be no fun at all.

        Before opening the doors, I quietly recited my own personal rules I'd invented. "Be nice, be cute with Grayson but not too cute, dance smoothly, no drinking, no looking like you want to die, say 'it's nice to meet you' to his friends, and don't trip into anyone," I whispered hastily.

        Good enough. Taking a deep breath, I opened the doors and slipped inside. Typical; Laura had dusty, dry classical music playing. Has she ever been to a party? Even I knew you were supposed to play something hype, and I've been to like, three parties in my entire life.

        As soon as I looked around, my heart dropped. Everyone was dressed really nice. I was dressed nice too, but they seemed like they always dressed nice. They all looked comfortable and not nervous. Didn't they know I had a raging hippopotamus in my stomach? 

        While I was calming the hippopotamus, I accidentally let the huge oak door behind me slam shut. I was mortified when about half the room turned to look at me, most of them frowning in confusion. No one recognized me, which was fair. Awkwardly, I waved and then scurried away from that cruel door. I was sure the evil thing hated me.

        Turning back to the crowd (who thank the heavens had found better things to focus on), I scanned the ballroom for Grayson. Where–



        Dressed in a pitch black tux, Grayson was devilishly handsome. Between the time he'd been scurrying around the bedroom and now, he'd put on his jacket and his hair had been combed to perfection. I'd seen him dressed up before, yet for some reason my face felt hot and my thoughts were running in circles. It didn't help that he was staring directly at me, those hazel eyes practically burning right through my skin. He was talking to two men, but they both saw that they'd entirely lost his attention and drifted away with slight chuckles. Forcing my feet to actually function, I took slow, deliberate steps down the winding staircase. He met me halfway, leaning in to kiss my cheek. As he leaned in, I caught a whiff of his cologne. It's new–and definitely capable of making my knees feel weak.

        "You didn't tell me I was bringing an angel as my date tonight," he murmured, which was honestly the smoothest thing I'd ever heard.

        "And you didn't tell me I'd be dancing with the devil," I said under my breath. His eyebrows shot up; clearly he was expecting the nervous Jackie from twenty minutes ago. I was shocked that I'd put her away, to be truthful.

        "Ah, darling, you look ravishing tonight," Laura said, snapping the moment in half and then jumping on it. Grayson quickly took a step back from me, and it was only then that I realized how we'd been centimeters apart.

        "Thank you," I said smoothly. "I love your dress." It was the only compliment I could muster up, considering how, well, disgustingly vile she was as a person. Her dress was nice: a lavender gown with an enormous skirt. Not my style, but still very elegant.

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