A Fright on Valentine's Day

Start from the beginning

"And when he goes in for the kill, he always strikes the soft underbelly." He pushed her shirt up, and his mouth attacked her stomach, pretending to eat as he chewed frantically.

Squirming and thrashing, Hope pushed at his head. Her face flushed as she heard Albus' laughter, still sitting in his chair, enjoying the show.

Newt grinned as she kissed his way up to her mouth, where their lips connected. Her tongue swirled with his for a moment, feeling lightheaded as he pulled away enough to gaze into her eyes.

"I told you he likes treasure."

Hope gave another little giggle deeper in her throat. "Guess I've been on edge, hm?"

Newt nodded, smiling softly. "Rightfully so, but I missed hearing your laugh." He stroked her bottom lip gently. "It's going to be alright, love." He murmured.

Hope smiled softly, pretending to believe him.

Hope gave in that afternoon, letting herself enjoy their company rather than bury herself in her books all day. They were a much better distraction than the books, anyway. Given they made the afternoon all about her. Taking turns with her, pleasing her in ways she didn't think possible.

Eventually, Hope became the teaching tool Albus used for Newt, showing him tricks to help her reach a deeper orgasm. While she relished the attention, she was so sensitive by the end she simply couldn't take anymore. Hope was a sweaty heap on the ground but grinning from ear to ear.

The clock struck, signaling the guards would arrive in an hour. Hope cringed and sighed as she slowly got to her feet. "I'm going to shower before they get here. I smell like sex."

"The best scent there is." Albus smiled as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "I'll keep an eye out for you."

Hope nodded, offering a soft smile that didn't reach her eyes. After disappearing into the bathroom, she took a long and hot shower. Spending as much time as she possibly could under the scalding water, deciding that if she just stayed here, time wouldn't pass, and she wouldn't find herself chained to a damp wall.

No such luck because eventually, Newt entered to let her know the guards were there. Sighing, she turned the water off and stepped out, towel-drying herself. His sad eyes watched her.

"We will find a way out of this. You will not spend every full moon in chains." Newt whispered.

Hope offered a small smile and stroked his cheek. "Sometimes there are things you can't change, but thank you for trying." She kissed his lips tenderly before dressing in warm layers. Not wanting to be caught down there shivering. Entrapped by a stone room in February wouldn't be ideal, even if she ran a warmer temperature than others.

The process of meeting the guards at the dungeon's entrance was a blur. All she could think about was the knots her stomach was twisting into. Sighing, she stepped through the wrought iron doors, leaving Newt and Albus at the top of the stairs as she descended into darkness, following the guard from the Ministry.

He was very young, and apparently, he was the way Albus had greeted him with a smile. As if he'd just graduated from Hogwarts. At least Albus trusted him- that helped soothe some of her nerves.

The further down they went, the colder it got until Hope could see her breath billow in front of her. She ground her teeth together, refusing to let her teeth start chattering.

At least Luke, the man they'd sent to be her ward, was kind. Maybe Fawley chose him because if Thomas got his way with this, Hope wouldn't at least she wouldn't have to suffer any more than she had to.

Entering the chamber, she noticed the many chains hanging from the walls coated in a strange wet slime. She wasn't sure what it was, and honestly, she didn't want to know. At least there weren't actual skeletons hanging; that would have been a bit much.

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