A Fright on Valentine's Day

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Hope sighed as she flipped through another dusty book, looking over each page to see if anything mentioned necromancy. She'd been doing this for days, and she'd like to say it was because she was a go-getter and wanted to get as much information as possible. That couldn't be further from the truth right now.

In all honesty, it was a perfect distraction.

Tonight was the Valentine's Ball. The one she wouldn't be going to. Instead, she'd spend tonight locked in Hogwarts dungeon- better yet, chained to a wall. Because of Thomas, whatever he had said to Fawley had him riled up enough to pull the trigger. Not even Albus could fix it.

Hope had waited daily to see if he'd mention anything about Fawley changing his mind. He never did. She waited with bated breath each day for the Post to arrive, but an Owl never swooped down for her.

When Newt first asked Hope to the Ball, she'd envisioned being surrounded by sparkles and hearts, lifted into the air as they laughed and danced. It had been such a human desire. Knowing she'd have that experience made her feel less like a Tribrid and more like just Hope.

Sometimes she wanted to be just Hope.

Turning another leaf in her book, she rubbed her eyes and searched the page. Classes were out today to prepare for the Ball- Albus knew how important it was for the students to have experiences like this. He had granted special permission to let them decorate, provided they were under Minerva's watchful guide.

He let them make the Ball theirs, which was the sweetest thing she had ever heard, but Hope also had a feeling he did so for her sake. Albus offered a day where the three of them could have each other's company and comfort before she went down with the guards the Ministry would be sending later that evening.

"You know," Newt cleared his throat- Hope didn't look up from her book, "there's a new creature sighting."

That got her attention. She glanced up from her withered page and frowned. "Like a new species?"

Newt nodded, "Oh, yes, very new..." he smiled sheepishly, cheeks a bit pink.

Why was he acting so awkward?

Hope glanced over at Albus, who, while sipping his tea, was reading from one of the Grimoire's as well, but she could swear she saw a hint of a smile on his lips.

She turned her gaze back to Newt and nodded slowly. "Do they have a name for it yet?"

Newt slowly shook his head. "No, not yet."

"Well, what are their characteristics?"

"Oh, quite sneaky," he grinned, "and they are obsessed with all things treasure."

Hope gave him a look. "Are you describing a Niffler? Because I'm pretty sure they've been discovered. If not, then something else has been taking my earrings."

Newt shook his head as Hope looked down at her book again. "No, not a Niffler. This creature can sense when someone is uneasy or stressed and realizes they must try to help with said unease or stress."

"What kind of-" Hope looked up to see Newt was much closer to her than she'd last looked and was in a prowling position. Hope looked him over, seeing the glint of amusement in his eyes. "What...are you doing?" But his grin and the way he kept creeping closer to her gave her stomach a quick somersault. Hope couldn't help but giggle. "Newt..."

"This creature," he continued, prowling closer, "chews on necks." He lunged then, and Hope gasped before erupting with laughter as his mouth landed on her neck, pretending to eat and chew with loud sound effects. Falling back with a squeal, she crooked her neck from the sudden tickle sensation and squirmed away. Crawling on hands and knees through the pile of books, it was too late. Newt grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her backward, causing another spill of laughter from her as he rolled her over.

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