Did Something Happen?

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In the beginning, Hope was worried Sylvia might bring up some sort of infatuation she had for Newt. Though, it seemed she only wanted to talk about dress styles and invading Poacher camps. Syliva would alternate topics, asking Hope what kind of chest cut she'd feel most comfortable in, then ask her habits of some of the Poachers to get a read on what to expect of them.

Answering to the best of her ability, she tried to find more of a reason to dislike Sylvia. Maybe it really had just been a little green monster getting the better of her. Why should she assume she was a bad person for having a crush?

Enough of that; women needed to stick together. Otherwise, men would think they had the upper hand.

"What do you think?" Sylvia held up a strapless gown that seemed to shimmer with silver sparkles, set with diamond stones along the hem.

"It's gorgeous," Hope looked it over, "but I don't know if it feels like me."

Syliva nodded as she looked it over. "How about this- I'll pick some things and hand them to you in the dressing room. We can see which one looks and feels best."

Nodding in agreement, Hope managed a smile. It was a genuine one this time.

Gown after gown, they went through racks and racks of different styles and colors. It wasn't that the dresses weren't beautiful, they were, but they just didn't feel right. This felt similar to when she went to Ollivanders and embarrassingly left with nothing, thinking she had no magic.

Then again, that wasn't such a horrible day. After all, it was the day she and Newt shared their first kiss.

A warm bubbly feeling lifted her spirits as she sipped the champagne offered by the matron and tried on another dress Syliva handed over the door.

Hope paused and looked herself over. "Oh..." she murmured in soft surprise.

"Oh?" Syliva asked from the other side of the door.

Hope opened it and stepped out, letting her see the gown on her.

The way her jaw dropped filled Hope with a glimmer of glee, and she couldn't help but grin.

"Oh, indeed. You look spectacular," Sylvia grinned, "Newt is going to love you in that."

Grinning, Hope spun to see how it flared out for dancing. "Do you think?"

Sylvia nodded, giggling. Hope could only assume she was a little tipsy from the drinks. "Yes, he will."

Hope's gown could have been designed for some regal event at Buckingham Palace. Maybe it was a little much, but she'd never felt more beautiful. The gown's hem swept the floor just at her feet, set into three sections so that the two sides could overlap the front tastefully. Champagne gold was the base color, while rose gold sequins descended from her bodice to the hem in vine-like patterns. The shimmer of glitter reflected when she moved and made her forget that the corset was yet to be tightened.

Sylvia stepped behind her and fastened the back with harsh pulls that tightened past what she thought possible, making Hope gasp. She held her hand to her ribs as the air was squeezed from her chest, though she had to admit. It did make her figure look lovely. Her breasts were covered modestly, but Newt knew the hidden gold underneath, and that's what mattered.

It was perfect. Beautiful for Newt and appropriate for a school setting.

"Newt really is going to love it," Syliva smiled as she gave Hope's shoulders a light squeeze, "but I will warn you, you may want to steer clear of his Niffler while you have this dress on."

They both laughed.

"I still haven't recovered a couple of Galleons I left out by mistake." Hope nodded with a little laugh as Syliva began undoing the corset.

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