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sebastian's pov:

"there's a new girl coming to our town, she's around your age, you might get along well with her." my mom chimed, with what was probably her last resort to get me to socialize.

"oh yeah? does she leave the house frequently?" I joked.

"i'd have to assume, she's moving into that old farmhouse, you know the one with the field you hang out with abby in sometimes?" she smiled. my mom liked abby, but for me, she could be a little much. I loved her like a sister, but like you love an annoying one, you know?

"oh a farmer girl? yeah I'm 100% gonna hate her." I laughed, knowing it would probably be true, she'd be over the top, naggy, and would have an obnoxious work ethic, just like every other farmer girl ever.

"hey, sebby, all I'm asking, just give her a chance, okay? she had a pretty shitty life where she came from, and she's going through some pretty bad things right now." it annoyed me how much she wanted this girl to relate to me. 'going through things' like what.? her grandpa? he died like, 4 years ago. maybe it was people pressure, but let's be honest, that's not that bad once you get used to it.

I looked at my phone, and realized it was pushing 5 o'clock. "shit, mom, i've gotta meet sam and abby at the saloon. I'll catch you later."

she shook her head in a little bit of disappointment.

I made it to the saloon, just a little late.

"hey guys, sorry I was late, my mom was telling me about some farmer girl coming here, she's really trying to get me to relate to her, which is.. something." I chuckled.

"how so?" abby asked.

"shes telling me that this girl is going through some 'pretty bad things' right now. I love her, but my mom can be a little pushy sometimes." I rolled my eyes a bit.

"oh i heard my mom talking about that i think." sam said. "I'm pretty sure she is going through some pretty fucked up shit."

I glanced over at sam. "like what?"

"well.. don't tell anyone I told you, but I did some digging, and it looks like she had an ex who.. you know." sam trailed off.

"..left her?" I asked. I was confused. "that's not all that bad."

"no he like.." sam glanced over at abby, who was just as confused as me. "he, uh. he hung himself."

safe to say, I felt like a dick.

I swear chapters will be longer than this from now forward, this is just kind of explaining backstory n shit about your character. ♥️

stream smile like you mean it by the killers on spotify

464 words 😋


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