Moons injury

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[ M O O N 🌙 ]

"We need to leave, now," Roxanne says, grabbing Moon and running away from the place. Moon complied. He knew that if even Roxanne was scared, the threat was huge.

"Roxanne? What's wrong?" Moon says, worried. Roxanne was the type of person to never back down from a challenge. The platinum wolf doesn't respond, and just takes him to a corner area, and looks around before she speaks.

"Moon, Monty can't be contained during these attacks. At least not for long. And he's probably going to attack you, the second he sees you. He hates you. You need to get back to the daycare." Roxanne whispers panicked.

"Alright, I guess. But what's the guarantee you will be fine?" Moon says, afraid for the well-being of his friend.

"I can see through walls, so I know where he is. He's far away, he shouldn't be able to get you if you leave now."

"Alright." Moon says, knowing how dangerous Monty was.

Roxanne gets up and leaves, hoping Moon can get back to the daycare. Moon gets up afterward and goes towards the daycare. It was on the other side of the building. His nerves are shot, and he is trying his best to not have a panic attack. He was terrified of Monty, and the possibility of him dying was not helping. Suddenly, Moon hears footsteps behind him. He looks around worried. His programming telling him to check it out, but his sentient animatronic brain telling him its dangerous. It was like the situation with broken pathfinding. He was unable to make a decision, and his fear was not helping. He just stood there, petrified, as he tried to calm down and figure out what to do.

Suddenly, he hears more footsteps and a bang, which snaps him out of his trance, and he decides to ignore the noise and keeps going towards the daycare, still panicking, and unable to think properly. The footsteps keep getting faster, and louder. The repeated sound is so small, yet it's enough to make Moon spiral. He tries his best to keep stable, and calm. He takes a deep breath.









He keeps taking deep breaths, as the footsteps get closer. He keeps going, afraid to run, in case they give chase. He felt like a woman getting stalked as they walk home. It was horrifying. He couldn't do anything, too afraid to turn around, to call for help, to run, or do anything but just try to walk home. He stops at a security station, trying to decide whether to go in or not. If he made it in, he would probably be safe from the stalker. But if they followed him? He knew if it was Montgomery, he would follow him. But was it really Montgomery? He decided to keep going forward. He heard noises. He was trying to ignore them. But they seemed to be in front of him, as well as behind. Suddenly, the noises stopped. The sudden stop increased his fear, and he was so scared, he could barely see properly.

He walked forward, towards where the noises were. He was still a while from the daycare. He saw something grey and red. Then he heard something heavy being picked up. About a second later, he felt pain.

Moon was on the ground. He saw oil leaking from his body. He felt his mechanical heart rate increase. He felt someone run towards him, and grab him. He heard screaming, but he couldn't make out who or what it was. His ears were ringing. He watched as more of his oil leaked out of his body. He was even more anxious right now. He felt lightheaded and confused. He felt his pulse weaken, and his blood pressure decrease drastically. He felt his breathing increasing, and he was practically hyperventilating. He felt lethargic, and his breath rate increased. His pulse was very low. His heart rate was above 120 bpm. He was breathing very fast and shallow. He saw more and more oil leak out, as whoever was holding him panicked even more. He felt his heart rate increase even more, but before anything else could happen, he went unconscious.

A/N: I am sooo sorry for not writing, writers block, and exams came over me. This hasnt been proof checked, and I wrote this at once, because i wanted to get a longer chapter out for yall! Its not really as big as the others, but this is all i could make for a chapter. Sorry! 

But thanks for reading, and Ily yall sm!!

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