Even the celestials need comfort

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I'm done with all the balls in the ballpit! Hmm. Mooney isn't back yet.Oh well. Might as well go and watch some anime in my room! Thank goodness moon added those teleporter thingys, that wire is practically impossible to use! I wonder how moon does it.


Weeeeeeee I'm back. God it's been so long since I had some free time to myself. The daycare is always so busy. Mkay, now what should I watch. Uhmmm, Mha? Nah, I finished it. Uhh demon slayer? Nope, I'll watch it with moony. Uh Assassination classroom? Yeah why not! I wonder what they will try today?

[ One hour later]

Ok it's been a while. Where is moon! Ordering supplies shouldn't take that long?! Uhmmm calm down. Maybe he came but I didn't notice. I should check his room before panicking.

Oh thank the stars. I see Moonys hat on the floor. That's odd though. He wouldn't just throw it. Perhaps he's just tired. I'd assume that map bot keeps torturing him. He might just be lying down on his bed. Yeah, that is most likely. I'm not going to think about the other possibilities. Those hadn't happened in a while, and I'm hoping it wont happen now. I hear something. Sounds like faint crying? Oh dear. Not again. And I didn't even notice?! What kind of older brother doesn't notice their younger brother crying?! I'm a terrible older brother. Ok forget about that. I have to help him. I have to.

I silently open the door. Moonys under his table. A smart hiding spot, because he's hidden by his huge chair, that balloon world arcade machine, and a wall. Only one way in, and one way out. I somehow sneak in, despite the amount of bells on me for deaf kids. Lucky for me, he's turned the opposite way. Towards the arcade machine. I duck under his tall table and go and give him a tight hug. "Calm down moon. I'm here for you." I whisper. "Come in moony. Deep breaths. Okay? Just take some deep breaths. Come on sunshine, I need you to take some deep breaths for me. Breath in. Breath out. Okay? Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Moony. Listen to me. This will be over soon. Okay. I need you to calm down sunshine. Alright?" I try to calm him down. It seems to be working, slightly. Just from the way he's acting, I can tell he hasn't reached the worst part of the panic attack yet. I have to calm him down, and quickly. Uhm. Lavender. It usually helps. Luckily moon loves lavender so he has a few lavender candles. I grab one and, by heating my hand up, I light it. The smell of lavender fills the room. Okay, now I know what to do. "Moon. I want you to focus on me. Can you do that?" I ask him. "I think." He mutters. His voice sounds very strained. " I slowly navigate one of my hands to his and grasp his hand tightly. "Moon, sunshine, remember, this will all be over soon, okay?" I reassure him. Moving his hand towards his chest so that he could calm down, I tell him, that he was going to be alright. I could tell he was slowly calming down. The most severe part of the attack happens usually at the 10 minute mark. It's been about 7 minutes, since I saw him.

"Sunshine, listen to me. I'm gonna ask you a few things, and I need you to answer them, alright?" I ask him. " Okay." moon murmurs. It seems less stressed than earlier, so that's good. "Alrighty then mooney, I want you to name 5 different objects you can see, okay? And then I want you to think about them for a bit, mkay?" I say. My reply is a strained "okay" from my dear younger brother. "Uhm. I. I um. I see the table." Moon starts. His voice sounds weary, as if he was afraid. I tighten the hug, and start to warm my body up, to make him more comfortable. "Mhm, that's good. Your not blind or anything" I joke, trying to make him laugh, even a little bit. He chuckled, and I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "Uhm, I see the arcade machine" He continues. "I see the wall, and my big chair." He says. " good job sunshine, just one more. " I encourage him. "Uhm, I see the floor, with oil on it." He mutters . "Well done sunshine! Now I need you to tell me 4 things you hear." I congratulate him. " Alright. Uhm, I hear the fire on the candle, I hear you, I hear the bells on your arm, and I hear the wind" he says. "Good job, I just need you to touch three things, okay?" " Mhm" moon accepts. I feel him holding my hand tighter, I see him pulling at his tutu and I see him touch the floor. "Wonderful moony, your doing great! Now I need you to tell me two things you smell, okay?" I say. The lavender candle works out in this case. "Uhm okay. I smell the lavender candle, and the oil on the ground." Moon answers. "Alrighty moony, you'll be better in no time! Okay, can you taste anything?" I ask. " Uhm, yeah, I taste oil. Not the best taste of you ask me. " He jokes. "I mean, it's oil. But hey, you did it!" I exclaim, careful not to be too loud. He is completely relaxed, and just in time too. It took about 9 minutes, but he's fine now.

"Moony, are you sure your comfortable with me hugging you, you usually don't like hugs. " I ask. Before I can get an answer, moon turns towards me and gives me a nice hug.  I hug him back for a while, until he pulls back and I get out from under the table. Moon follows suit, and sits on his bed. I sit next to him. "Do you... want to talk about it." I ask. " No" he replies. "Mkay." I say, reducing my body temperature back to normal. "Sorry" I hear moon mutter. "Hey, it's fine! You're just not comfortable with sharing it, and that's okay with me! Just remember I'll be here whenever you need me." I reassure him. Moon leans on me, and falls asleep. Finally, he's resting.

"I love you brother."
"I love you too moon"

[A/N] AAAAA 1086 WORDS!! AND I WROTE THIS IN ONE DAY!! Also I just wanna say that, the methods sun used to calm down moon are actual ways to calm down a panic attack. I'm sorry this note is quite short but anyways, last but not least: ILYSM!<3

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