Silent suffering

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[Suns Pov]

Ugh finally done with the bottles of disinfectant. Why do we have so many ?! And why were they scattered everywhere. Oh well, might as well let Mooney out ! Hmmmm, it's been a while since any animatronics came here, I wonder why.

"Sun, you say that like you don't know why"

The voice scared me, but then I realized it was just my younger brother.

"Goodness moon, you have me a heart attack" I say back.

Allowing moon to split from my body, I give him a quick smile. He replies with his usual tired bright red eyes. I don't get why he refuses to sleep. I guess it's just his responsibilities taunting him.

"Yeah whatever, I have to go to patrol. Good bye." He mutters.

" c'mon moon, you just came out, do you have to goooo" I whine. The truth is, I don't want him to go. He's been really distant lately. It's weird, one day he was fine, the next day he wasn't.

"Sun stop worrying about me. I can see it in your eyes." Moon reassures me. He gives me a hug and hooks onto his cable. I wave as he leaves. He didn't wave back. Usual of moon I guess. It's upsetting to think of something troubling him, and him not telling me. He doesn't talk much, but he usually tells me if something's wrong.

Is it my fault?

I shudder as the thought passes through my head. Did I do something to make him feel uncomfortable with talking to me? What if he hates me. What if he's mad at me. Did I upset him?

I force myself to stop thinking about it. If I start thinking about it too much, and moon finds out, he won't be happy. He'd just be worried that I'm getting upset because of him.

I need to avert my focus. I cleaned the Daycare, top to bottom, scrubbed the slide, and stacked all the barrels. What can I do to pass the time? Mhhh... Oh I KNOW!! I'LL JUST CLEAN EVERY BALL IN THE BALL PIT!! That ought to keep me distracted for a bit! Lemme just grab my cleaning supplies anddddd hmmmm which soap should I use... Ah of course the non-toxic one. I can never remember the name- andddd I'll need a bucket...


[Moon's pov]

Hmmm, everything looks all quiet today, I guess I should prepare the food for the day care tomorrow. Or should I order anything for the Daycare. We definitely need more glitter glue, I think sun drank them all. He won't listen when I tell him not to! I should call him and ask if we need anything.

(Calling: <°•~⭐*Sunny *⭐~•°>)

Sun: " Hey moon, need anything from your favorite brother?! "

Moon: " Sun, your my only brother. (and even if I had another you would still be my favorite) "

Sun: " Hmmm? What was that last bit? "

Moon: "Nothing, just wondering if we need anything for the Daycare? "

Sun: "hmmm, well we are out on glitter glue. And I think we need more finger paint, and some more crayons. Oh, and another bottle of that non-toxic soap we use. God I can't remember what it's called."

Moon: "You mean happy cleaner™? And you gotta stop drinking the glitter glue sun."

Sun: "Well you gotta stop drinking coffee! It increases your heart rate and could give you a heart attack."

Moon: "Sun... You forget we're animatronics.. Also, is that all?"

Sun: "Potato Tomato. And yeah, I believe.... Oh wait! We also need more sundrops, I'm almost out!"

Moon: "Mkay, I'll place the order then. Anyways, I gotta get going, I'll be back soon."


(Call ended with: <°•~⭐*Sunny *⭐~•°>)

Well then. There should be a security tablet nearby. Ugh, it's behind that stupid crocodile. Anddd he's blocking the way to any other one. Ugh. Might as well go and get it.

"Well well well, if it isn't the lowly daycare attendant. Seriously, who in the right mind decided to make this monster a daycare attendant. He'll probably give the kids nightmares, instead of stopping them." A snarky voice calls out.

There's no need for me to turn and check who said it. It's obviously the "one and only, Montgomery Gator". God why can't he stop annoying me.

" what, cat got your toungue? Oh wait I forgot, your mute! What a pathetic loser. Hahahaha" He laughs.

Just to clarify, I'm not mute, I just find no reason to speak to imbeciles like him. And my voice will probably scare him straight.

Grabbing the security tablet, I place my orders. I just have to do verification now.

"C'mon, roxy, look at this loser! He thinks he's so smart, hiding away in the dark. What is he, emo?" He snickers.

I mean, he's not wrong, I am a loser, and I do hide away in the dark, and I am emo according to everyone. I just don't think I'm smart. I'm really just straight up stupid. A failure of a nightcare attendant.

" Dude, I don't think you should pick on daycare attendant. " Roxanne says.

Typical of miss wolf, always refusing to pick on me for some reason. Perhaps she hates me so much she can't put it into words. I mean no one knows me and sun's names.. To them, we're just "daycare attendant" .

"Oh come on, this monster is a murderer. And he can't even talk. He was made for one purpose, that is to entertain and take care of kids at night, and can't even do that properly. Its such a mistake. And acts like a monster!" The alligator cackles.

Am I really a monster?! Who am I kidding. Course I am. In fact , it's gotten so close to my real name. I mean, Moondrop-Monster it sounds like it was meant to be. My vision is getting blurry, my oils running cold. Is this it. Am I finally dying. No. I cant. I can't leave sunny behind. I cant.... I... I get it. This hasn't happened in a while. Another panic attack I assume. I have to calm down. Uhm. Think. Think. Think! Uhh 3 things I can see. Uhm. The security tablet. My hat. And. And the wall. 2 things I can hear. Uhm. Montgomery insulting me. And uhm. Uhm. Uhhh the verification noise on the tablet. 1 thing I can feel. Uh. The tablet. Okay. Remember what sun does when this happens. Uhm. Breath in. Breath out.

(Order verified! Your order for the Daycare has been set. Expect your order to arrive, tomorrow, sunday 12 at 4:00 am)

Great. Another early delivery. Ugh it's like Fazco.™ wants me to suffer. Whatever. I don't know how long I can stay here without breaking down. I got to go to the Daycare. Can't the stupid wire hook on faster. I have to go.

*A/N: holy! 1143 words without counting these. Lmao, this took me 3 days! Probably cuz I'm sick or whatever. Welp, this was my first fnaf fanfic and I wrote it cuz I wanted a way to explain my security breach lore, at least in the Daycare attendants perspective! I'm not expecting myself to be consistent tho, but I'll try! Last but not least, ILYSM<3

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