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{A/N} I'm so sorry for not writing, I was trying to write something that's not angst for a bit, but looks like I'm not really good at that- Also, while the image on top is not mine, I feel like it's an accurate representation of how my au sun and moon look, so here's some reference! I get all my imgs from Pinterest btw!

{A/N} I'm so sorry for not writing, I was trying to write something that's not angst for a bit, but looks like I'm not really good at that- Also, while the image on top is not mine, I feel like it's an accurate representation of how my au sun and ...

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That being said, let's get on with the chapter!!!

[ S U N ]

What a lovely morning, I love the mornings! But oh God I have a serious case of bed head. I gotta brush it out. Now where could that hair brush be... I wonder if... Is moon awake yet. I glance at his room. I mean, I did force shut him down..

"Oh Moonyyyyyyy" I call as I shake him awake.
"Good god sun it's too early for this shit." Moon mumbles
"Well too bad! You gotta get ready!" I chuckle
"Sun it's our day off. Can't I at least sleep in for another hour or so.. " He complains.
"Nope. C'mon it's already 5:24!" I grab him.
" Ughhhh. This is your fault. Why did you force shut me down. " he whines
"You would've shut down anyways. Now come onnnn. You have a serious case of bed head silly." I laugh. Moons not really a morning person. Then again, he hardly ever sleeps. I guess another hour of sleep won't do much harm. I mean, it's not like I can get him off his bed.
"Fine, just one more hour." I say as he plops back on his bed. Welp, I gotta brush my hair anyways. I grab Moonys hair brush and start brushing out all the knots in my hair. He wouldn't mind me using his hair brush anyways. My hair get really messy after I sleep, but it's not as bad as moonys. Now.. What hairstyle should I use today. Eh I'll just use my classic braid. I mean, it's not like we have anyone coming over today. We're closed! Although I don't know why they decided to do it on a Monday, but that's fine!

I just realized. I FORGOT TO ARRANGE THE GLITTER GLUE IN RAINBOW ORDER!!  Silly me, always forgetting to do stuff. Well, at least it gives me something to do. Walking towards the shelves with glitter glue, I realise I hadn't really picked up all the paper either. Nor did I arrange all the toys. Why did I forget to do all that? Why would I forget to do all that. My sole purpose is to entertain and keep the Daycare clean. Management didn't want to have to pay more people to clean. That's why we have the Cleaner bots. My purpose is to make sure the Daycare is clean in all sorts. And I can't even do that right. I can't do anything right. I'm just a useless robot that can't even do it's one job right. I'm so useless. What's wrong with me. What's wrong with me. What's wrong with me. Why is my vision getting blurry? What is this leaking affecting my eyes. Oh no. Oh no. My tear resolves are active. Faz. I don't want to get my brother worried. I don't want to make him upset. Not again. I don't want him to worry. I need to wipe this orange tear fluid off my face. Uhm. Ah, my hand towel. I can use that.

Okay, now to pick up all the paper. Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, oh my. How the hell did a piece of paper get all the way up THERE?! I DON'T EVEN THINK A TEEN COULD REACH THAT! ON TOP OF THE GODDAMN SLIDE?! okay sun, calm down. There are just some questions that can't be answered. Okay just gotta.... there we go! I got it. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. And that's all! Alrighty, now to put it in the paper chest. Plop! Hmm. It's been an hour. Welp, gotta go wake moon up.

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