A new acquaintance

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[ M O O N ]

ugh its too early for this shit. Goddang fazbear giving me a delivery at 4 am. The only thing good about this time is that mapbot isn't out yet. Stupid robot always obsessed with giving out maps. ugh, where is that stupid delivery bot? Don't tell me its late.

'Hey daycare attendant, what are you doing out?'

Holy stars that voice scared me. Who the hell decided to talk to me, ME of all people on a Sunday at 4 in the forking morning. Oh, it's the wolf. Shocking she decided to talk to me. I stare at her and then look away, and then look back as if giving some code or something. Truth is, I'm trying to scare her away without talking, and implying that im mute. I have little to no energy to deal with her.

'Oh right, your mute. Sorry, I looked at your blueprints earlier and saw that you had a voice box and expected that you just refused to talk.' she said. SHE LOOKED AT MY BLUEPRINTS?! WHA- WHAT- WHEN- WHY- WHERE- I have so many questions. welp, I guess I have no choice.

'I was hoping you would just leave me alone.' I mutter.


'...Wasnt expecting anything less. This is why I dont talk.' I reply

'Sorry, your voice is just, extremely unsettling. But what are you doing up so early?' She questions. Ugh. Why is she so damn curious.

'Supply delivery.' I answer. 'Say, why are you awake?'

'Ah, just couldnt sleep. So i decided to just stroll around the pizzaplex.' she replies.

'Ugh. Where is that stupid delivery bot. We need supplies for the daycare today, and it was supposed to be here by 4 am.' I mumble.

'Honestly, i feel like management just likes messing with you. They make you stay awake for so long and deliver late, you are most definitely NOT designed for kids, your regarded in the lower end of importance, just above the s.t.a.f.f. bots, and you dont get daily mainenance despite being preforming animatronics, correct?' she points out.

'Honestly, yeah. I mean atleast you care enough to ask why im out so early. No one else except my other half would've cared, and dont get me started on what monty would do.' I agree.

'Daycare attendant, can I ask you a question?' Roxanne requests

'Sure i guess.' I say

'Your names not really daycare attendant, is it?' She asks.

'Ofcourse not. Thats just my purpose, and for some reason, everyone thinks its my name. Dont tell them though. I want them to find out by themselfs.' I answer.

'Well then, what is your name anyways?' She asks again.

'Im Moondrop, but you can call me moon.' I reply


'About time.' I go and sign the paper and grab the stuff.

'Oi delivery bot.' Roxanne calls threathaningly. I turn back and look at them.

'You were supposed to be here by 4. Its 5:39.' She scolds.

'Im sorry miss. I will be on tie from now on.'Delivery bot says, then runs off.

'Thank you Roxanne wolf.' I thank

'Call me Roxy.

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