Scar Sensations and Mirror of Erised

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Harry and Hermione sat together on the comfy sofa, reviewing their Charms homework. Hermione remembered how in the past, people would try to take advantage of her for answers, and if she said no, they'd become mean. But with Harry, it was different. His kindness caught her off guard, showing her a friendship based on trust and help.

Harry felt the need to express gratitude to Professor Snape for his assistance. Previously skeptical about Snape's intentions and considering him a dubious character, Harry's perspective shifted as he came to understand that Snape was merely a strict teacher rather than a bad person.

After finishing their work, Harry said goodbye to Hermione and headed towards the staffroom. He knocked on the door, but there was no response. He tried again, but still got no answer.As he was about to leave, a voice caught Harry's attention from inside the room. He cautiously pushed the door open and looked in. Snape and Filch were there, alone. Snape had his robes pulled up, revealing a bloody and injured leg. Filch was handing him bandages.

"Blasted thing," Snape grumbled. "How are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?"

He started to leave but—

"POTTER!" Snape's face contorted with anger as he swiftly dropped his robes to conceal his leg. Harry's nerves tensed, and he gulped nervously.

"I just wanted to say thank you, Professor," Harry stammered.

"WHAT FOR?" Professor Snape asked, his tone laced with anger.

"For helping me and explaining the situation to Professor Mcgonagall on Halloween, sir," Harry added, his tone respectful despite his nervousness.

Professor Snape's demeanor shifted momentarily, but his anger quickly resurfaced. He retorted, "I did nothing. NOW GET OUT!" Harry felt the intensity of Snape's rage and swiftly left the room.

"What happened?" Hermione inquired as Harry joined her.

Harry proceeded to explain everything to Hermione, recounting the encounter with Snape and the unexpected scene in the staffroom.

Hermione's eyes widened in concern. "You don't think he's trying to steal something Dumbledore was keeping safe? I know he's not very nice, but—"

"I know," Harry interrupted, "At first, I thought he might be, but after Halloween, I'm reconsidering everything. Maybe someone tried to get past that three-headed dog that night! I saw Professor Snape heading for the 3rd floor. It's possible he was trying to stop the thief. And the troll incident could have been a diversion created by the thief, with Professor Snape realizing that," Harry explained, his thoughts piecing together a different perspective. 

As Harry went to sleep that night, one question lingered in his mind: what was the dog guarding, and who could be after it? The answer seemed to point towards someone within the school, perhaps even among the staff.

Professor Snape was no longer the prime suspect, and neither was Professor McGonagall. Professors Flitwick, Vector, Sprout, and Aurora also didn't seem likely candidates. However, there was something suspicious about Professor Quirrell. Despite his reaction to Dark Arts and the seemingly fake stutter, what was most unsettling was that every time he turned his back, Harry's scar would start to burn, a sign that couldn't be ignored.

The next morning, Harry resolved to talk to Hagrid about his suspicions concerning Professor Quirrell. He shared his thoughts with Hermione, and she decided to join him on the trip to Hagrid's hut.

"Rubbish," Hagrid scoffed. "Why'd yeh think Professor Quirrell'd let a troll in? Puttin' students' lives in danger? Don' make sense."

Harry and Hermione looked at one another, wondering what to tell him. Harry decided on the truth.

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