Birthday and Hallowe'en

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Harry's robes fluttered as he made his way to the Ravenclaw common room, located in one of the castle's towers.

Upon reaching the entrance to the common room, he was met with a challenging riddle posed by the bronze eagle knocker. "I have a heart that doesn't beat, I can't run, but I can eat. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?"

Harry thought for a moment and said, "It's a shadow."

The knocker's eyes glinted with approval, and the door swung open, granting him access. Inside, he found themselves surrounded by book-lined walls and fellow Ravenclaws engaged in spirited discussions and reading.

Harry noticed Hermione sitting alone in the Ravenclaw common room, looking sad. He approached her with a warm smile, determined to cheer her up.

Hermione looked up, her eyes still filled with a touch of melancholy. "Oh, it's nothing, Harry," she replied, trying to brush off her sadness. "Just a rough morning, that's all."

Harry could tell that something was bothering Hermione, but he decided to let that go for now.

With his books in hand, Harry prepared to head to the library to complete his homework. He turned to Hermione and asked, "Are you coming to the library too?"

Hermione nodded , replying, "Yes, I'll join you. I want to do some extra reading on Charms before class tomorrow."

As they walked to the library together, Harry and Hermione engaged in light conversation about their classes and the magical world. Hermione's eyes lit up as she passionately talked about some of the theories she had come across in her extra reading.

Harry found himself intrigued by her enthusiasm and insights. "You really know a lot about magic," he said, genuinely impressed.

Hermione blushed slightly but smiled, appreciating the compliment. "Well, I've always been fascinated by it. There's just so much to learn!"

As they entered the library and settled down at a table, they began studying side by side. Harry occasionally glanced over at Hermione, noticing her determination and focus. He found himself wanting to strike up more conversations with her, to learn from her vast knowledge.

After a while, Hermione looked up from her books and noticed Harry's curious glances. "Is there something on your mind, Harry?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Harry hesitated for a moment before responding, "I was wondering if you could help me with my work I'm struggling with. You seem to have a knack for understanding all of this."

Hermione's eyes sparkled with a mix of surprise and delight. "Of course, Harry! I'd be happy to help. We're in the same house, after all."

 Once they completed their homework. They started to explore some books.

With each passing moment, Hermione's spirits lifted as she engaged in lively discussions with Harry about magical creatures, herbology, and historical events. 's smile return, her enthusiasm rekindled.

"Did you know," Hermione said, her eyes sparkling with excitement, "that the graphorn, a magical creature from Europe, is known for its extremely tough hide that can repel most spells?"

Harry chuckled, impressed by her extensive knowledge. "That's incredible! I had no idea. It must be quite a sight to see."

Hermione nodded vigorously, delighted to share her passion with someone who appreciated it. "Absolutely! I've read that they're rather gentle creatures unless provoked. Oh, and speaking of magical creatures, have you heard of the mooncalf? They're fascinating creatures that can be found dancing in moonlit fields."

Harry Potter and The Magical WorldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang