the vampire ball

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so sorry I was late I need to stop doing that I'll write as much as I can since it's a little late.

4 months have past since marinette, was almost attacked. about 5 months since she's been living with Adrien. and 2 months since her cousin and aunt decided to stay in Paris for a while, s how are things going lets go see.

Marinette: I sure do miss my friends, recently I talked to lila who revealed that's not her real name, so I decided to just call her cerise until she's ready to tell me her real name. "miss marinette the prince Adrien wants to see you." one of the maids tell me and I follow her to adriens bedroom but why does he want to see me? i'm in pj's.

Adrien: I see my beautiful bride to be, and she's so pretty in the pj's one of her friends sent her last week. she sits down on my bed and I tell her about the vampire ball

(the video is of Marinette and Adrien talking while on his bed and yes the pj's you see in the video are the ones her friend sent her, you can watch the video cause I'm getting tired to write what they'll say from the video)

Alya: I send Marinette a text asking her if she's okay. and she responds with "yeah I'm okay alya and thanks again for the pajamas I really loved them." I smile at the test and I repond with. "anytime girl don't worry I promise we'll save you if it reveals to be adrien we'll leave him alone but if it's someone else stay away from him."

Marinette: I want to tell her it's Adrien but I can't it's to dangerous she'll have to find out on my wedding day. so I sent the text with. "okay alya I will thank god your my best friend and I'm glad have my boyfriend as well, I hope he's okay." she later responds with. "I'm sure he's okay just wait for us girl and contragulations on getting married and thanks for inviting me and everyone else." I tell her anytime please invite me to her and nino's wedding and she aggres.

I'm going to stop her but I'll continue this chapter maybe in the morning.

Adrien's run away bride Where stories live. Discover now