"Wait. What? You're aren't bothered? I thought you guy's -"I cut her off.

"Jared and I were never an "item". We we're just close, nothing amorous whatsoever." They stared at me  like I had suddenly developed honks. I know how that sounds, but it was the truth. Or so I'd like to believe.

"You mean you don't like him? Jared? Omifuckinggosh! The most wanted senior in BridgeWood?" Ashley screamed. Trust me, it's not as it seems.

"Girls! I don't understand what this fuzz about him is. Granted he's hot, but c'mon, let's not make men the prize when we're the trophy"I purred despite their hilarious facial expressions.

When they finally came down from their hypnosis, they kept rushing out  word's and  tumbling over  each other's.

"But you're so lucky you know? It won't take a seer to tell how much he's into you"Jamie said.

"And he knows we can only be friends. I've made that clear a lot of times." I didn't understand why the girls kept on giving me signs. Ashley kept  on shaking her head, using their hands to signal me. I didn't think much into it.

UNTIL  I decided to look back and  my eyes landed on  a pair of ocean blue eyes, blonde curly haired 6foot tall quarter back of the basketball team and Bridgewood's most wanted. He looked stout in his basketball shirt, his lower part dominated his physique, highlighting his strong biceps and fit leg's. He was the perfect male specimen described by our school girls.

The universe must be working on me.

"Jared?!"I spoke out. Which he  only smirked at me.

Did I forget to say he was a little too overconfident? Yes he was, his overconfidence was annoying and sexy. Screw my inner thoughts.

"Did you miss me? Hey girls!" Even my friends were fanning over him. Gosh, why can't they hide their desperation?

"Uhmm Hails, we have to head  inside. We have to catch up on a series" they wasted no time as they scurried out of sight. Series, huh? Liars.

"Were you going to leave without meeting up for the last time?" Spoke too soon.

"It's better this way. "I averted my eyes away from him.

"You always do this. Why do you keep pushing me away? I know you didn't  mean anything you said earlier."he was so close to me now.

The truth is, I didn't understand myself around him. Despite how many times I kept telling myself, I didn't have feelings for him, I was conflicted. Especially the other night at Ashley's seventeenth, we almost kissed. After that, I'd tried several times to convince both of us, especially myself, I didn't want him romantically.

"I don't want to hurt you. We never stay  long at a place" still looking anywhere but his face.

"I already told you I didn't care. I'm a few months away from graduating. I chose college's closer to you. So tell me, what else do you want me to do so you  know I want you" I hated seeing him this way, so forcing myself to look into his eyes, I couldn't stop myself.

I wrapped my arms around him in an embrace.

"I'm sorry, I never meant for it to happen this way. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Hailey, I want the truth. And I'm going to let you go, even if it means  staying away for good." It broke my heart hearing him. I didn't want him to stay away from me.

I wanted him, not exactly as much as he did, but I wanted him too.

"Do you only see me as a friend?"

I wanted to lie. I wanted to tell him I did, that I'd never see him more than that. I should lie to him, he deserves someone who doesn't move around often. He deserves a stable and normal relationship, yet I couldn't do it. I don't  want to be the reason for his pain.

"I lied. I lied about seeing you only as a friend. Not because I don't  like you, I really really do. Jared, I just don't want to put you in this situation where you don't get to see me and have around as often as possible. Even though, this is the last time we'd move, I can't have you in this situation - "he placed a finger on my lips shutting me up.

"- allow me to worry about that. We would be seeing more of each other more  than you think. I got into USC!"

"Omg! I'm so proud of you. You did it, days and nights of staying up late finally paid off."

He looked into my eyes, holding my back. I looked into his eyes, then to his lips, those lips teased me. He licked his lips still holding our gaze, and all I wanted at this moment was crash my lips with his.

Just as we were few inches apart from locking lips, we heard the honk of a car. Can't a  girl catch a break?



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•Authors Note•

How was the first chapter? 🤗💜Feel free to share your thoughts. 🤗💜


All rights reserved. Names of people, places, businesses and organizations are of the writers own imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, names, businesses and or organizations are purely coincidental.
I own right to every detail used in this story, and as such do not steal my ideas or work, or you'll face legal terms.

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