Of all the things that were running through Clara's head at this moment - Lauren bullying Camila at school, Lauren ignoring Camila at school, Lauren turning her back on her old friend because of Dinah or Normani (that was the one she was betting on), what she heard come out of Alejandro's mouth clearly trumped any of those thoughts.

"Camila's pregnant."

Mike got this incredulous look on his face and then, to the shock of everyone else in the room, started laughing. "Ha! You thought you had me, didn't you, Alejandro? Camila ... pregnant! That's a good one."

No one else in the room was laughing, certainly not the Cabello's and certainly not Lauren, who sank back into the chair like her bones had just liquefied. Clara wasn't laughing either because she happened to be watching her daughter at the instant Alejandro made his announcement. And the look on Lauren's face, told her everything she needed to know.

"Lauren...", she said to her daughter in a low, controlled, and yet still, menacing voice.

Mike was merrily wiping the tears from his eyes, tears of uncontrolled laughter when he noticed the look that was passing between his wife and daughter. Camila had started crying real tears and her mother was hugging her, tying her best to comfort her distraught daughter, holding her own tears back.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Mom", Lauren mumbled, looking down at the floor, unable to bare her scrutiny, her hair falling around her face almost as a shield. "It's just ... we ..." She trailed off, unable to think of anything else to say.

"I'm sorry", whispered Camila, apparently to anyone who would listen, as she was also staring at the floor. "I'm so sorry." Then, she turned into her mother and buried her face into her neck, whimpering softly as Sinu tightened her arms around her.

"She's keeping it." Her voice was soft, tired. "She's already over four months along and we don't feel it would be morally right ... at this point ... to ..." There was no need to finish the sentence.

"Four months?", Clara asked, disbelievingly. "When did you find out?"

"You think this is something we would have kept from you?", snapped Alejandro. "We only found out today. Camila... would you like to explain yourself to these good people?"

Camila shook her head emphatically as she slowly took her face out of the comfort of her mothers neck and said in a small voice, one that reminded everyone how very young she was, "I was scared." And then, once again. "I'm soooo sorry."

"This is serious?", Mike was finally coming to grips with the conversation. "The two of you are only barely 14 years old! What the hell were you doing having sex?!"

Camila and Lauren both jumped as if his words were a physical blow to them. Unable to handle the intense scrutiny, Camila stood and hastily ran out of the house, pausing for only an instant to lock eyes with Lauren. Pain was reflected equally in both of their eyes. Lauren wordlessly rose and walked silently upstairs. Sinu watched her daughter worriedly and quickly got up to run after her.

"Let them go", Mike said distractedly. "What I need to say will be easier without either one of them."

Clara was able to maintain a semblance of calm, although later she would have no idea how she managed it.

"What are we going to do?" She used the word, 'we', to, hopefully, convey to Alejandro that they were all in this together.

"We aren't doing anything." Mike snapped at her then turned back to Alejandro. "Listen, we want nothing to do with this at all. Your daughter got herself into this mess. I don't want some slut to ruin my daughter's chance at living a normal life. She already has to live with that.. thing between her legs. She doesn't need another reason to be secluded in this world."

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