Chapter 5: Your Spirit and You, The Parent Teacher Conference

Start from the beginning

(Y): Right, you had said that before, but what does that mean. You aren't some ghost or something are you?

Kurumi: Oh no, I'm not a spirit in those terms. It's more so just a title rather than a literal definition like your devils and angels.

(Y): Alright, then what exactly is a "spirit"?

Kurumi: A being that possesses great power, with each spirit's power being unique to the spirit.

(Y): I see, and how many other spirits are there?

Kurumi: From what I've seen, only a handful, but it will increase over time.

(Y): How do you know?

Kurumi:.... Did you forget that I can travel through time? Albeit not unlimited, I have been able to travel through the past and the future.

(Y): Oh right, your time magic. That reminds me, you said you consumed the time of those in your shadow, but when I was in your shadow, nothing happened.

Kurumi: *smirks* That's where you're wrong, something did happen. I was consuming your time, but unlike how it normally works, you didn't seem to be affected by it.

Godzilla: *stern* I might be able to explain for that.

Kurumi: Oh? Is that your partner in your gauntlet then?

(Y): How did you know?

Kurumi: *smirks* Don't you remember, I saw your future, when we first met. So I know some things about you as well.

Godzilla: Yes, but to answer your concerns, I think I know why you couldn't steal all of his time. It's because he essentially has near infinite time.

Kurumi and (Y): *shocked* What?!

Godzilla: Devils, and by proxy other supernatural beings, have lifespans that far exceed anything humans are capable of, being able to live thousands of years if not longer. But of course, you both already know that. However, this boy is not just a devil. He is also part Kaiju.

(Y): That's right, you replaced my heart when I was dying.

Godzilla: Correct, so while you may be just a devil, you are also part Kaiju.

Kurumi: So he is part giant monster, what does that have to do with his time?

Godzilla: It's important because Kaiju, like myself, are able to live for millions of years if we take the right precautions and aren't killed in battle.

(Y): But how are they able to live so long? Surely for that length of time, your body would start to break down or something.

Godzilla: You would think so, but we found a way to slow our aging. Radiation. When we consume radiation, it causes our aging process to slow down until it's nearly non-existent, which allows us to survive for so long.

(Y): So by absorbing a steady supply of radiation I can extend my lifespan to the length of a Kaiju's, and potentially further depending on how long a Kaiju could survive without the radiation, if we factor in the devil aspect.

Kurumi: I think you're forgetting one part though. You need to actually absorb that radiation first, and I don't think that Kaiju part will be able to protect the rest of your body from becoming an elephant foot in Chernobyl.

Godzilla: While you are right that he has to consume radiation, the gauntlets my soul resides in do project a small field of radiation around the boy. It's an offset of my own radiation and not from the boy himself. However, he will need to absorb more radiation down the line if he wants to live as long as others like me.

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