Chapter 5: Your Spirit and You, The Parent Teacher Conference

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() Author notes

** emotion, timeskips, location

"" '' air quotes

[] Letter reading

Machinations Spell casting


*School Hallway*

*1st pov*

I was walking the now new student, Kurumi Tokisaki, around the school and showing off the various clubs, locations, classrooms, and other parts of the school until we reached a more secluded part where I could confront her.

(Y): Alright then, enough games, now tell me why you're here.

Kurumi: *sarcasm* Oh, how rude. And here I was hoping I could get the highschool experience I so sadly missed out on.

(Y): Don't mock me, I know what you can do now, so you aren't a threat to me.

Kurumi: Kukuku, how cute, you think you already know everything about me. Even if you did know everything, knowledge is only half the battle.

I only stare at her sternly as she walks around me.

Kurumi: *smirks* Well, you can drop your guard, I have no reason to make an enemy of you. In fact, I want to study you further.

(Y): And just what do you mean by that?

Kurumi: Exactly as it sounds. You let me study you, then I have no reason to cause you any harm.

(Y): What, like some sort of science experiment or something?

Kurumi: More like a rare animal. If I have you around, let's just say you won't have as many issues with me as you would before.

(Y): And let me guess, if I say no, you will cause problems?

Kurumi: Kukuku, would you look at that, you are smart.

(Y): So my options are let you study me, or cause issues. And how do I know you won't do one without the other?

Kurumi: Well, quite frankly you have nothing to go on but my word.

(Y): And after all that you said, you expect me to just trust that?

Kurumi: *smirks* Do you have any better choices?

(Y): *sighs* I guess I don't, but that still leaves me to ask, why do you want to study me so much?

Kurumi: Sorry, I can't tell you, that would spoil the surprise.

(Y): What surprise?

Kurumi: *giggles* Spoilers. *boops my nose*

(Y): Is there anything you can tell me?

Kurumi: There are, but you just have to ask the right questions.

(Y): Of course that's the catch.

Kurumi: Well it wouldn't be as fun if there weren't at least some rules. So then, do you have any questions you want to ask? I'd like to see what questions I can shoot down from you.

(Y): Well.... can you tell me anything about yourself?

Kurumi: Yes, if you ask the right questions. Next.

(Y): *sighs*.... Then what about what you are? You aren't a devil, you aren't an angel, and not a fallen angel, so what are you?

Kurumi: Ah, now here is one I can answer.... sorta. To give you the short answer, I am a "spirit".

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