Chapter Three

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June 10th, 2023

"Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend"
By: Taylor Swift

A knock on my apartment door forced me to pause my tv as I got up to go see who it was. Behind the door Luke and Jack both sat waiting for me to open the door.
"Hi?" I say to them wondering why there not at the lake house. "Hey. Come on you've gotta pack." Luke says pushing into my apartment.
"Luke I'm not going." I say to him as I let Jack come in and he silently walks through the door hugging me. "Hey jack."
"Yes you are going, Carter. The lake house would never be the same without you." Luke says running around my house looking for my suitcase.
"Luke. I'm not going ok?" I say to him grabbing him as he tried to rush past me. "You have to come Carter. I can't do this without you please."
"I can't Luke." I say as he hugs me tight his head ducking into my chest. "You can stay here for the night if you want. I know it's hard going back today."
Luke doesn't reply his whole body shakes as I walk him to the guest room. "It's gonna be ok." I whisper to him jack following behind us carefully.
Luke's sobbing by now his tears soaking my shirt. "Come on. Let's lay down it's late." I say to him as he lays down on the bed dragging me down with him.
We stay like that for awhile as he tries to calm down. He finally falls asleep and I slowly slip out of the bed turning off the lights before leaving quietly. Jack had given us some privacy awhile back and he now sat on my couch playing TikTok on his phone.
"Hey." I say to him as I slowly make my way to the couch. "Hi." He says standing up quickly standing there awkwardly.
"You can sleep in my room." I say to him as I turn to walk towards my room so he can't argue. "Everything should be fine. I just cleaned the sheets so there clean." I say walking into the room as jack catches up to me.
I go to grab my clothes as I realize Jack is staring at my bed frame. He's smiling lightly before he looks up at me and I just shake it off.
"Ok well I've got what I needed so I'll leave you alone. Goodnight jack." I say before quickly leaving the room. I get ready for bed before sitting back down on the couch and pressing play on the tv.
The tv was playing an old cd of videos that Ellen and Jim had filmed over the years and after awhile I started to film them to. The videos cut from young videos of us and recent ones.
The first video to play was a video that I think every Hughes brother fan girl has seen. The video of Jack, Luke, and Quinn playing mini sticks. You can see Quinn grab Luke and pull him into a hug after he had been crying and then you can see him motion jack over.
They hug for a bit and then the video cuts at least that's what every tan girl thinks. It actually keeps going and as Luke pulls from the hug younger me walks on screen. Quinn pulls me into the hug with him and jack and we stay like that before the video cuts.
The next video is a video I filmed. It starts with Quinn and I in the car heading to the lake house to spend Christmas night together. We didn't tell our parents we were going. We got in a lot of trouble once we got home but I remember having the time of my life with Quinn that year.

"Come on." Quinn says as I jump into his car and he drives away from my childhood home. "Are you excited?"
He smiles at me and I reach over the console giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Always. The lake house is my second home."
"I have a gift for you when we get there." He says to me grabbing my hand. "Me too. Your gonna love it." I grin at him just happy to the be there.
At the lake house we quickly get inside and Quinn gets to work on the fire place. "While your doing that I'm gonna start some hot cocoa. I brought some for us."
I head to the kitchen quick to make it and get back to Quinn who has finally gotten the fireplace started and was sitting on the couch with a blanket.
"Thank you." He says as I hand him the cocoa and sit down beside him as he throws the blanket over my body. "Your welcome." I say giving him a kiss and leaning into his body his arm wrapping around me.

That was the christmas before everything happened the Christmas of 2020. The video stopped before another video began to play and light giggles could be heard before my face comes into the screen with jack sitting just behind me.
We were at my house during the winter time. I had just gotten on a break from college. Jack was still playing but he flew in to visit for the day before he was flying back early in the morning.

"It's recording?" Jack asked as the camera pointed at us. "Yes." I say laughing at him as he slides down to the floor facing the leg of my bed post.
"Come here." He says motioning me over as he carves into my bed frame with his keys. "What are you doing jack?"
"So you'll always remember me even if we ever break up. I'll always be here for you." He says kissing me as he shoves his hair out of his face. He grabs ahold of the camera putting it close to the wood so the carving was in frame.
All that was on the frame was a tiny "J"

Authors note
Finally I finished the first three chapters 😭
I've been working on this for weeks and with the help of my friend it's finally finished !!
I hope to post every Sunday
Hope you guys enjoyed 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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