Chapter Two

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June 10th, 2021

"This dream isn't feeling sweet
We're reeling through the midnight streets
And I've never felt more alone"
- Ribs
By: Lorde

      "Quinn!" I yell as I rush over to his car that had just pulled into the driveway. He gets out of the car catching me as I jump into his arms.
       "Hi gorgeous." He said twirling me around before his lips reach mine and it's like fireworks all over agin. Just like the first time we kissed.
        "I missed you." I say to him as he puts me back on the ground but still holds me into a hug. "I missed you too." He says smiling before greeting my parents who were making there way over.
        Quinn had been in Vancouver for most of the year and I was at Michigan college. Next year Luke would be with me at Michigan while I was finishing getting my degree.
        Quinn quickly puts my bags in the car while I told my parents bye. "Love you guys. I'll text and call." I say to them giving them a kiss just like I did every year before leaving for the Hughes's summer house for the whole summer.
        "I put your books in one bag all together and there inside the second suitcase." My mom says while we pull apart. "Thank you."
        Quinn and I quickly get in the car before we wave goodbye and start driving. The ride isn't a long ride and Quinn and I just spend that time catching up even though we FaceTimed almost every day while we were apart.
       The summer house was already filled with the regular people. Cole, Trevor, Jack, and Alex all were hanging out in the front porch of the house when we arrived.
      Jack was the first over to us pulling me into a hug. "Hi Car! I missed you." He says as he finally pulled apart. "Missed you too J."
      I quickly helped Quinn get our bags to both of our rooms. My room was just across the hall from his. Trevor was the first person in my room. Sitting on my bed silently waiting for me to finish unpacking.
"When your done put on your swimsuit. We're going on the boat and then to a party tonight. The parents approved." Trevor says as he lays down on my bed opening TikTok.
I grab a swimsuit and some Jean shorts to wear and then change. Once I'm done Trevor and I head downstairs to meet the rest.
      For the first week it's always just Jack, Luke, Quinn, Cole, Alex, Trevor, and I. "Ok I'm fine with you guys going but no drinking and- Luke go grab the boat keys for me please." Ellen says and luke just sighs before walking away.
      "I swear if any of you even let luke touched alcohol I will kill you all. Love you guys." She says kissing us all on the cheek before Luke gets back and she's headed to the kitchen.
      Luke hands the keys to quinn while we head down to the boat. We were close with the person hosting the party so we just took our boat and docked at there house instead of driving and parking a mile away.
      People were already there even though the sun was just now setting. "Let's go baby!" Jack yells as we head into the house. Quinn grabbed ahold of my hand while we walked inside.
      We both found a couch and sat there while more people filed in. "I'm gonna go grab a drink I'll be right back babe." Quinn says giving me a kiss knowing already what I want to drink and not having to ask.
       Even though Ellen asked them not to drink because we were underage except for quinn. Everyone was still drinking except for Luke and I.
       Luke found his way to our couch and sat down beside me. "Hey wheres quinn?" He asked as he slung an arm around me. "He just went to grab drinks."
      Luke and I had always been really close even through there's a big age gap between us. "Oh ok. Are you planning on drinking?"
      "No. Someone has to drive the boat back." I say to him smiling a little while quinn sits down beside us and hands me a water.
      "Thanks babe." I say giving him a kiss before looking back at Luke who was heading to the dance floor. "We should watch him. Just keep an eye out on him." I say to Quinn who smiles at me and nods.
      "I love the way you care for my brothers just as much as me." Quinn says kissing my forehead before we go back to watching the people drift in and out the house.

      Later in the night Quinn is clinging onto me and really drunk. Luke approaches us and he's stumbling and tripping over everything.
      "Can we leave?" He says falling onto the couch almost sitting on top of me. "What did you take Luke?" I ask him knowing he shouldn't be like this. He never drinks when we go out.
     "I don't know let's just leave." He says standing up trying to pull Quinn and I up. "Hey what's happening." Trevor says walking over he's a little drunk but he's capable of walking.
     "Go get Jack, Alex, and Cole. We'll meet you at the boat. If you need help call me." I say to Trevor who nods and goes on his way pushing through the crowd. I send a text into the group hoping maybe one of them will see it and find there way outside without Trevor's help.
      "Come on." I say grabbing Quinn and letting him lean on me while Luke drags us to the boat. Once on the boat Luke immediately is leaning over the boat puking everywhere.
       That sobers Quinn up quick and he is immediately behind Luke rubbing his back to comfort him. I open the cooler Ellen had forced us to bring full of ice after and hand one to Quinn and the other I set beside Luke.
Alex was the first to the boat without Trevor, Cole, or Jack. He's stumbling a little so I quickly rush over to him making sure he doesn't fall off the dock. We get him seated while Trevor has jack and Cole latched onto his sides all stumbling down the hill to the dock.
Once they finally make it to the boat with my help I look at the group and there all wrecked. Jacks about to fall over board as I start the boat. "Arms and legs inside the boat at all times. Stay away from the side if you feel like your gonna fall over lay on the floor of the boat I don't give a shit just stay away from the side because I really don't feel like swimming after you guys."
Jacks the first one to get on the ground with Cole and Alex following him. I quickly get them home and Quinn and Trevor helps me escort them to their rooms. Trevor, Alex, and Cole are all sharing a room with bunk beds which soon Brady and Matthew will be in there with them too. We have more rooms but they all insist on sleeping on the six bunk beds in there.
Once we get everyone to their rooms I escort Trevor to his bed. "Here you go." Trevor says handing me his phone which turns on and I see a wallpaper of him and Jamie who was a rookie this year with Trevor.
The picture was them in there rooftop watching the sunset. "I like your wallpaper Trev." I say to him smiling and he just looks at me trying to stutter up an excuse before just sighing.
"Yeah.. I really like him. Like I like him a lot and I don't know how to tell the boys. I'm scared they won't ever except me." He says and by now his eyes are watering and he's leaning into me.
"Hey it's ok. You don't have to tell them until your ready. I promise you though that jack will be the first person to you with open arms. I have never seen anyone that that boy has not excepted. He loves everyone and I swear it'll be the exact same way with you."
"Yeah but what if everything changes?" Trevor says and I just sigh before finding a response. "It could but it's for the better. You would get to be whoever you want and you would never have to hide it. I'm always gonna be here for you and if any of them ever gave you shit about it I'd kick there ass and you can sleep in my room every night." I say before giving him a kiss in his head before heading out of the room and walking down the hall to find Quinn standing by his door waiting for me.
"Hi babe." I say kissing him before shoving him into his room. "You taste like beer." I say making a gross face. "You love me." He says grinning before we both get ready for bed in his bathroom and end up passing out in his bed.

False God | Quinn Hughes & Jack Hughes ON HOLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang