"Don't Jump!" She turned her head back at me her eyes hollow glass balls full of disappointment, and her voice filled with misery and sadness.

"I'm not going to jump, you idiot." Then she sat on the edge with her feet hanging over. Those words left a deeper rift in my heart. I could only stand there and watch. I never knew, that she was a girl, that-that day, that first day. If only I had paid attention. If only I had not let myself been blinded.

Then something even worse donned on me. Will I treat my mate this way? If I can't even tell if this person. That she's an actual girl. How will I be able to treat the one if I find her? Will I ever be able to?

We stayed there for a while. I sat at that four-foot distance watching the salt wind waft across her slender shoulders. (Say something you moron. Its been twenty minuets'.) Donte pressed begrudgingly. I argued back.

[What do I say? Hey - - sorry for beating the living shit out of you not once but twice, and nearly crippling you for half a year. But could you please still keep all this a secret, so your brothers won't start a war? Oh yea, and if you could help me find my mate that would be aces.]

     (God we as a whole are a douche aren't we. Look) Donte took my eyes and zoomed in on Camron to see that she was shivering. It's hard to remember she really is only human.

I got up. Speaking in a nervous weary voice. "Um, hey Camron." She turned around. "Come here." She got up as I walked to the center of the clearing where her jacket was left. As I picked it up and turned, she abruptly appeared in front of me. Slightly startled I gently settled her jacket around her soft shoulders . It felt as if I was conflictingly enticed by and hyper aware of her. (Look at those knockers. Tiny things ain't they). I blocked him out. Backing away.

"Um, Camron. I-I need to apologize. Everything I did" She cut me off. "Save it. I'll accept your apology." I felt such relief and happiness enveloped me. "So you forgive me! That's great" she started walking out of the clearing, down the hill. Myself in tow "I never said I forgive you." Her tone was hard and controlled. She had just said yes, and now she said no? She continued in the same voice. "I accepted your apology based on the face that our packs are joined."

Surrounded by greens of all colors in the forest she turned to me. Jerking my shirt collar down to her height and whispered in my ear. "What you did as Alpha. No as a man, you will carry the shame and dishonor for the rest of your life. You beat a woman." she shoved me back slightly booting deep into my eyes. "Dontae, you beat a woman too." When she let go of me of I stumbled colliding with the damp ground, ears blistering red, eyes wide. (Scary)

Bringing myself to my feet I ran after her. "Wait where are you going." She spoke matter of factly. "Home."

"How, I'm the only one who knows this place." We were in the middle of the woods, by now far from the cliff. She pointed to the sky. "The sun is that way. So home is that way" We've been walking for hours now and the sun was beginning to set. The awkwardness of the silence as we hiked was suffocating. When she spontaneously froze standing strait as a statue. She put her arm out causing me to knock into it. "Freeze." Her eyes darted back and forth, as she carefully pulled out a small silver tube from her belt. Speaking below a whisper with a biting edge in her voice. 'Get ready.' I had no idea what she meant.

She faced forward gripping that little tube tight and shouted. Her voice was like out of a horror movie. That sing song tone just before you die.  "Come out, come out, wherever you are." It sent chills down my spine, as it bounced off all the trees echoing back at us. There was no way the forest could be that quiet. Out of the greenery six viscous wolfs came out evenly encircled us. How, I thought. How did she notice before I even sensed their presence, she knew what I was thinking. Whispered so only I could hear. "In my neck of the woods. If you can't tell when you're being ambushed. Your as good as dead." As they closed in on us I stepped forward to protect her. They were too close, it was going to be hard to get out.


This situation was so~ fucking~ screwed~ up! I yelled wining and freaking in my head. If I had noticed sooner, we might have been able to make a clean getaway. If I'm not careful these rogues could kill Damon, and I SO don't need the death of one of the Alphas on my rap sheet. We've been walking for hours and I cant even stand much longer let alone fight six wolves. While I sat there plotting our escape a large burgundy wolf stepped threw the circle. He was signifantly smaller then when Damon was in his wolf form but still huge. I glare at the huge beast, instantly recognizing him, and shove Damon behind me. I leaned forward, hoping to divert his attention to remembering me. It was a very terrifying hearing his monstrous laugh. That was sunshine and daisies compared to the actual words that came from the wolfs lips.

"Well, well, what do we have here? Two pack wolfs out for a stroll, hmm?" he inhaled deeply. Even though he still sounded like a movie monster he did have that snake voice Sarah talked about. "My, and we have an Alpha or two?" Fuck he caught my brothers and Damon's sent. Think, thi~nk... that's it! I stepped towards him very cockily and began to talk like a pompous, spoiled rotten brat. I hope that idiot catches my signal. "Well I haven't seen you~ in a long time." Burgundy man looked mildly surprised. Damon piped up, but Dontae was speaking. "What; you know this rogue trash?!" I turned to him, his eyes dark with fury. I spoke while backing closer to the enemy. "Well of course!" I looked back seeing I was only five feet form him now. I stepped sideways able to see both of them. "Don't you remember? That night in the woods? With Sarah?"


         I'll kill'er. Ill fucking kill her. She set Sarah up all this time. I thought, I thought that!

(HEY NUM NUTS!) Donte scram at me. (She's trying to make an escape plan! Shit for brains! You go after HER and were ALL-dead.)

But I-

(Do you really think she woud do that now of all times. SHE'S the one who saved her)

She hid the fact she was a woman. Any member who hides something like that cannot be trusted.

(Ass whole she didn't hide it. YOU assumed she was a dude trying to get with your sister.)


Burgundy man snarled at me-his voice came out in rowers. "YOU?! You were the physco with the silver staff! My jaw was broken for a week! He lunged toward me and with all my strength in my numb legs and launched myself upward extending my staff in the process.  As he halted I was still in the air. Upon my decent I brought my staff down as hard as I could on the crest of his skull. The beast went down howling in pain as I meekly jumped off him.

         In the air I realized I was not going to land properly and braced for impact. What I decended on saved my life. It was Damon, his big black wolf had caught me on his back and in long strides we were making great distance from our enemies. I gripped tight to the deadly black fur and shouted loud as I could. "Damon, we got to lose them before we get to the packs" 

         But it was too late more wolves had surrounded us. We could only fight off three or four before being blind-sided. Knocked down, the last thing I remember was flying off Damon and towards a huge tree. Then, it all went black.

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