5 - Ding Dong

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Forgot to mention: Rai now looks like the cover!!!
" Girls dinner is ready. "we heard mom shout after a while. It was now 7pm (19:00) the time went fast. Mom made Ramen, Momo and I love mom's ramen. We ate our ramen and afterwards went upstairs to start the movie. We watched the movie and everything was fine...

Location: Midoriya Household (Breakfast table)
Time: 9.30am (09:30)
Day: Saturday

3rd Person's Pov:

"When do you need to leave?" Inko asks Momo.

"Around 10.30am (10:30)" she answered while smearing butter on her toast.

"Can't you stay longer Momo?" Rai asks her friend hopefully.

"For me it's not a problem" Inko says.

"I wish I could, but me and Mom have an appointment at the dentist, otherwise I would have stayed longer." she replied with a said smile.

"Aww" Rai says now a little sad.

"Are your parents picking you up or should we drive you home?" Inko asks Momo.

"Mom picks me up, since we will then directly drive to the dentist!" Momo answers her best friends Mom.

"Alright, well let's continue eat" Inko says nodding. Rai and Momo nodded and they continued eating, they just talked about random stuff, nothing more. They then heard a ring after a while.

"That must be my mom!" Momo said. She jumped up and ran to the door in front of the door was her mom.

"Hello sweetie!" Her Mom said.

"Hi mom!"

"Oh hello Inko!" Momo's Mom said looking at Inko.

"Hello Akari!" Inko said.

{Idk her real first name and I'm to lazy to search so her name will be Akari!}

The women hugged each other.

"Hello Rai, dear!" Akari said ruffling Rai's hair softly.

"Hello Auntie!"

"Momo, dear I hate to say it but we need to go now." Akari said looking at her daughter.
"I know..." Momo replied.

"Bye bye Rai!" Momo said as she hugged Rai, Rai hugged her best friend back. They then left after they said bye to each other. Rai and Inko winked, as their car drove away.

"Let's go on now sweetie!"

"Okay Mom."

The walked in and cleaned the table.

"How about we go and eat ice cream today?" Inko said looking at her daughter.

"Yay, yes yes yes I love ice cream"
The girl replied happily. Inko just smiled at her excited daughter. Rai jumped up and down, happy. Because of the ice cream. They both started to clean the house a bit. Rai was using her Quirk, she mostly used the teleporting part. To clean everything faster, for the ice cream.

The Also ate for lunch Rai's favorite Katsudon. She wasn't that sad about Momo leaving anymore. After lunch they washed the dishes and cleaned the table. Then they were ready to go.

"I'm going to get my jacket!" Rai yelled running upstairs.

"Alright sweetie! Take one that doesn't let water through it, because it looks like it while rain!" Inko yelled back.

"Will do mom!!!"

Suddenly Inko heard the door bell ring.

Ding Dong.

Ding Dong.

'Who could that be?' Inko thought she hadn't invite anyone. She walked to the door and opened it. Just to see...

Words: 536

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