chapter 8 (Cats Pov)

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short chapter. sorry.


I look at the two man just staring.

I knew they weren't him, I know no one can ever be worse than him, and normally I'm not scared of big men, not even mafia man. but standing in front of these man, that are supposedly my father and brother all I can think about is, if they are in the mafia, they must be like him.

I might not have to like them, hell I probably won't even be with them in a few days, but these people are my biological family and some part of that no matter how much DNA we share scares me.

I know I was kidnapped; I know they didn't send me away; I know they have been looking for me, but I'm still scared. I'm not scared of their status in the mafia. I'm scared that they are my family, my real family and I'm scared of how they can use that against me.

something I'd never admit to anyone other than tri, is that I have always wanted a family, one with siblings, that care and protect one another, one with a mother and father that would do anything for their family.

I have heard about the Italian mafia through the grape vine, and I don't want them as my family.

the Italians and the Russians have always tied for the most powerful mafia. that being, I have done and heard a lot to do with the Italians, so many horror stories about them and things they have done to mine and tri's mafia, to people that we have known and loved.

Tri's my family now. he's my everything, he's the only one I trust.

I'm not scared. I can't be. I won't allow myself to be.

so new plan.

fake it to you make it, I just have to make sure my mask is on, and on tight.

"Ok so, cat, this is your father and eldest brother." as she turned to me her nervous smile fell, noticing my blank face and empty eyes.

"Hello Sorella, my name is Enzo." he spoke with a slight smile, but a strict tone, he's eyes had a soft tint to them but he's face was hard.

my bio dad just stood there in shock, staring at me, not even hiding the awe on he's face, he's eyes were dazed over, and he was a little teary Eye'd.

but after a few moments he snapped out of it and returned to he's cold exterior. breaking the little hope, I had gained from seeing him like that.

"Ok well, sir if you would like to follow me, we just had some left-over documents for you to sign." Gracy spoke with a tight-lipped smile.

after a few moments my father had returned.

"Okay bambina, we are going home, it's going to be a long flight, if you have any questions feel free to ask." my father asked as we got into the car.

I have a slight nod; he didn't seem that happy.

as we exit the station, there's a black SUV sitting there with a guy in a black suit and tie, he's carrying heavy weaponry, he has a stone face on, but even with that you can still see the terror and fear he's face holds. that doesn't give me much hope.

snap out of it! I say to myself, why am I hoping for anything with these people, there not my family, if I wasn't there daughter, they'd kill me in a heartbeat.

we sat in an unmoving car for what felt like 30 minutes but in reality, has just been 3.

"Say something please." Enzo broke the silence.

now that we are in private, they have both seemed to have dropped the act and are speaking softly, their faces are soft and welcoming their eyes are filled with love and admiration.

"What do you want me to say."

after I spoke, they became tense their faces filled with anger, their eyes held anguish and hatred.

"What?" I spoke in questioning.

my farther was about to answer but the ringing of my phone cut him off.

I looked down at my phone, seeing tri's name flashing on my screen.

my face instantly brightened up and a small smile graced my lips.

"Hello, I can't talk right now, later." I hung up quickly as my father and brother were while tense and zoned out, still tense.

even though I had to hang up, seeing tri's name and hearing he's voice for a split second has made me so much happier.


words: 765

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