chapter 6 (Alessandrs(dad) Pov)

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I'm sitting in my office, proud. 

my son, the don, he just blew up some Russian shipments and I couldn't be prouder, those scums think they can kidnap my Figlia and get away unskaved. Idioti. 

( daughter)                     (idiots)

we were a bit upset that the Russian don wasn't there when they blew up but hey a win is a win. 

we haven't actually met the new Russian don, or their supposed donna, but I know that the old son of a bitch would be so upset to lose he's son. and that's what I'm aiming for. 

my son has people looking for where he goes all the time but that looks like a dead end. 

me and him are sitting here drinking and laughing about how they would have reacted, when all of a sudden, my sons office phone goes off. 

I can tell by the look on he's face he's fucking pissed; we were sure to let everyone know we aren't to be disturbed. 

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!" he yelled into the phone making me roll my eyes, i love him but I swear he is so dramatic. 

he looks over to me confused.  he then pulled the phone away from him and to me. 

"it's for you papa." as he hands it to me, he puts is on speaker. 

"Hello this is Alessandrs Guerro, who am I speaking with?"

"Um... hi my name is Gracy lane, I'm a social worker from Sydney Australia, I'm calling in regard to your missing daughter, maria Guerro."

when I hear this, I freeze, all the happiness has now dissipated, all I can think is, did they find her body.

"Um yes..."

"Okay well we have her here, her adopted parents have passed away in a gas related explosion, we ran a blood test and found a missing report, would you like to ta-..."

"YES!" me and Enzo yell into the phone.

"Sorry... yes we will definitely take her back. how has she been, is she ok, what does she look like, who adopter her and when?"

"Ok sir I have all the answers to those questions in her file, I will email it to you now, what is your email address?"

"it's ***************" 

"Ok that should be coming through shortly, when should we expect you?"

"as soon as possible, tomorrow late afternoon." I hung up. I walked behind Enzo, and signed into my email, I didn't peek, I pressed print, and waited.

after a few minutes everything was printed. 

"BOYYYYSSSS!!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs.

after 5 minutes the boys run in, guns out. 

"Put them away. I have good news."


"I was doing something important."

"can't we discuss this later; I was in the middle of something." a shirtless Nicolo says. 

"BOYS! SHUT UP and listen to papa." Enzo said, he couldn't even be actually angry.

the boys remained silent and looked to me. 

"I just got a call from a lady in Australia, they found Maria."

all their heads snapped up, some had tears, and some were full of anger.

"Was she... did they find all of her?" Marco asked anger very apparent in he's voice.

"Oh! oh! no... no she's alive." I cut in.

their faces were shocked but full of joy and happiness.

"We have her file here, we thought you would like to be here when we read it."

they looked in anticipation. 

"She was known as Caterina lengferd."

"I fucking knew it, those Russian Basterds took her!"  Marco snapped at her Russian name, none of us were happy. 

"She is 16, she has straight A's in all classes, she has been suspended once for fighting, but other than that no other behavioral problems. 

"that's good, but we'll have to work on the fighting." Enzo said under he's breathe.

"there's not much here, not as much as there should be, other than what I have said, only that she might have good grades, but she doesn't come to school a lot." 

"Oh! here it says, she doesn't come to school a lot because of traveling."

"This is a picture of her." I say and pass it around to the boys. 

"she's gorgeous." 

"she's an angel

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"she's an angel." Nicolo says. 

"I don't think I have ever seen anyone look more prettier." Matteo says in disbelief. 

"She reminds me of mum." Romeo mentions. 

"she's alright." when Marco says this, we all glare at him.

"Anyway, Enzo and I are going to collect her we'll be back in 2-3 days, Romeo you should have 2 days to get to know her before you have to go home."

everyone nods their heads in understanding.

"Now everyone out we have a plane to catch."


just so you know, I took a break halfway through this chapter because I had to go to work, I didn't finish until 11pm and when I came back to continue the chapter it was after my sister's wedding the next day and so I'm a little tipsy/ getting a massive headache.

 I'm probably going to be writing at least 3 more chapters, with this headache so I'm sorry if there's more than usual spelling mistakes, and things not making sense." 

words: 860

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