Cup 9: The Don of Cacao

Start from the beginning

Sylfie walked assuredly down the busy streets as people made way for her. Ryu, however, began to sweat profusely. He rubbed his hands together nervously, realizing that he still didn't have any offensive skills. He would be walking into a fight with another adversary, presumably with skills of their own, without so much as a single point of damage. Maybe I'll try punching.

He slapped his forehead, scolding himself for entertaining such a naive strategy. Sylfie stopped in her tracks, raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"I don't have any skills to fight yet! I'm going on a suicide mission here!" Ryu exclaimed.

Sylfie snorted, covering her mouth in surprise. "I completely forgot to tell you. I had assumed this would have been common knowledge to you so I didn't bother explaining how leveling up works. Since you told me you're not from this world, though, I guess I should at least explain that much."

"I know how leveling up works. You kill monsters and gain experience, right?"

"Sort of, but if you know the basic principles, then why are saying you have no offensive skills? Have you checked your stats even once since we killed the Hibiscus Stag?"

It dawned on Ryu that he hadn't. He began to dig through his pockets before Sylfie stopped him. "You don't need to do that every single time you want to check your stats. All you need to do is invoke [Insight] and cast it on yourself. You should see the relevant data that you're looking for," she explained.

He remembered she had cast the spell on the Night Crawlers to check their statistics in the [Level 60] forest. This information was a lifesaver. No more rummaging through pockets for a crumpled-up piece of paper to check. He cast [Insight], surprised to see the state of his Adventurer Skills.

[Adventurer card for beginners. This card signifies that the carrier in question is a novice in foraging and subjugation of local flora and fauna in the Wildlands]

[Current level: 1]

[Skill Acquired: Wood Reinforcement]

[Skill Acquired: Combustion]

[Level 1 Bonus: Adventurer's Attire]

"O-only a single level?" he asked Sylfie in disbelief. They had killed a Legendary Boss! How could this be?

Sylfie sighed. "See, I figured you didn't actually understand how it works. Leveling up is based on meeting a set of predetermined requirements. Once those requirements are met, you're able to advance to the next level. Keep in mind if you somehow manage to meet a requirement for a higher level, you'll still need to complete the requirements for the levels that come before it.

For example, in your case [Level 1] requires a person to defeat one monster of any class. Since you defeated a Legendary Boss, which is for [Level 44] adventurers to get to [Level 45], that information will be saved and you won't need to complete it again in order to level up to it."

"But I'll still need to complete the requirements for the prior levels, right? How am I supposed to know what those requirements are if they're not listed in my skill card?"

Sylfie scratched her head. "That's another issue. Technically, you aren't. However, adventurers and brewers have been pooling their knowledge together for ages so we have a good deal of information on how to reach [Level 99]."

"What about [Level 100]?" Ryu inquired. Every game had a different level cap, but it seemed like Sylfie believed there was something more than just [Level 99]. There was a level just out of reach, waiting for the first pioneer to break an ancient barrier that had plagued many an adventurer.

I Became a Barista in Another World! Volume 1: New Beginnings [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now