Cup 2: Skill Acquired

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"I thought you were immortal!" Ryu yelled to Aurora as they frantically sprinted away from the Cerberus.

"So?! I don't want to be that dog's chew toy!"

They weaved through thickets of forestry, hoping to lose the beast, but it simply crashed through the trees, growling viciously.

"Where did you bring us?!" Ryu exclaimed.

"I seem to have made a small miscalculation, nya! See, there are fruits that bind you to this world in the Slime Forest, which is a [Level 0] area for beginners, but it seems I dropped us in another location with soul-binding fruits!" Aurora explained as they ran.

"And where would that be?"

"The Forest of Hades, for [Level 100] Ascendent Adventurers."

"Gahhh! You said you would aid me not deliver me death a second time!"

"Hey! You better watch it, nya! I'm only sticking around for this one life of yours. After that, you can get reincarnated or find a way to reach the afterlife by yourself for all I care—without your memories!"

Aurora jumped on Ryu, scampering up his shoulder as the voracious beast growled, tearing through the forest, its musculature allowing it to bound across vast distances with ease. It caught up with them in a matter of seconds.

"Run faster, nya! I don't wanna be dog food!"

"I'm running as fast as I can! Don't you think I want to live too?!"

Ryu's pocket started to burn against his thigh. What was happening? He suddenly gained a burst of speed, creating distance between them and the three-headed hellhound, as they crossed over a ravine. Ryu jumped the narrow gap running a short distance while frequently glancing behind him. The Cerberus stopped just at the ravine pacing along the gap. We must be just outside of its territory. Ryu concluded.

"Take that you mutt!" he jeered.

"Yeah, beat it, nya!" Aurora joined in. "Hey! Check your skill card!"

Ryu had forgotten about the card. He fished through his pocket, pulling out the card, slightly crumpled from the jostling; it had shared space with Ryu's ancient phone after all. He read the side listing his Adventurer Skills and Attributes.

[Current level: 0]

[Skills acquired: Swift Foot]

"What?!" Aurora clamored leaning in close to the piece of paper.

"What? What's the issue?" Ryu asked, concerned.

"There's no issue, but that's a Rare Ability, nya!"

Ryu glanced at the skill once more. A blue star appeared next to it.

"I don't get what the big deal is though. All it did was make me a little faster," he remarked.

"Do you feel tired, or out of breath?"

"No, not at all."

Aurora wore a smug expression. "Think about it, nya. Being able to outrun the Cerberus isn't a feat any normal adventurer can do."

Ryu nodded. Now that she mentioned it, weren't dogs supposed to run around sixty-five kilometers per hour? Given how big the Cerberus had been, surely it ran faster than the average canine. "So then the rarity system is based on the areas I acquire them?"

Aurora thought for a moment. "Not sure, nya. You have to fight strong monsters to get stronger right? Maybe that's the key!"

Ryu sighed. He was thankful for Aurora's presence. This information, vague as it may be, was still crucial in understanding how the world of Cerulia worked. She did almost get us killed, though. He checked his surroundings. They were still in the forest, but the trees here had grown much taller. Their leaves blocked all but a few slivers of sunlight creeping through the foliage.

"Hey, Aurora, where are we now? Are we still in the same area?"

Aurora's ears twitched as she climbed down Ryu's back, pacing around the forest floor. She peered around carefully before giving him an answer.

"The dog stopped at the ravine, meaning we're outside of his territory."

And in someone else's. Ryu thought.

"We should be careful, here, nya. It's not as high a level as before but it's still dangerous."



Ryu whimpered. What horrors awaited him within the depths of this place? They pushed forward, Aurora taking the lead. Ryu followed knowing full well that he had no attack or defense skills to protect him against any dangers that lurked around the corner. A [Level 0] adventurer in a [Level 60] area with monsters to match the level. Brilliant.

So far so good. They had ventured quite deep into the area, seeing neither hair nor hide of any monsters lying in wait to kill them. The occasional forest dweller scampered across their path, causing a high-pitched scream to escape Ryu's lips. Aurora scowled at him, telling him to be quiet. Ryu sulked. He was a barista, not a fighter. If danger appeared he would turn tail and run with his nifty new ability. At least I have one useful tool. He sighed.

His initial excitement of a new life wore off quicker than he expected. He missed his apartment already. The dim glow of his monitor screen and the soft cushioning of his tatami mat seemed so alluring now. He didn't have much in his one-bedroom abode, but it was enough to get by and keep his mind occupied. How he wished to just return home and collapse on his mattress. He bit his lip. World of Glory! The fourth expansion just came out! Do they even have games here? Ryu sunk deeper into reminiscence. Only hours earlier he had been alive on Earth. Now he was here following a talking cat through an empty, yet potentially dangerous forest without any protection. I really am insane.

"Hey! Keep your eyes open, nya. You don't want to be caught with your panties down."

"It's pants," he corrected her.

"What's the difference?"

Ryu shook his head, keeping his eyes peeled. He spotted some berries in a clearing, moving closer to inspect them. They must have fallen from the trees. Ryu thought. He intended on tasting one to add to his Knowledge Base. As he approached the fruit, he noticed something peculiar about them. They looked like strawberries—even smelled like them. The familiar aroma wafted into his nostrils. Yet when he held one to the light, it sparkled like a diamond, a distinct white coloration on the fruit.

He looked to Aurora for confirmation. The cat seemed awestruck by the fruit, nodding silently. That was good enough for him. Ryu bit into the odd-looking berry, immediately collapsing as the flavor overtook him. His taste buds fired signals to his brain relentlessly as he lay on the ground in bliss. He checked his skill card. Sure enough, he had acquired another skill on the Coffee Brewer side. His eyes bulged when he read the description of the skill underneath the Common Pomegranate Infusion.

[Current Level: 0]

[Skills acquired: Ivory Frost Berry Infusion]

A purple star appeared next to its name, signifying a Legendary Skill. The rarity wasn't what had caught his attention, however.

[This coveted berry can only be found in the Polar Expanse. It is often used as bait to lure in the Legendary Hibiscus Stag. On occasion, it may be used by tribes of Orcs or Dark Elves in order to capture and consume unsuspecting adventurers. EXTREME CAUTION SHOULD BE EXERCISED IF THIS FRUIT IS ENCOUNTERED OUTSIDE OF ITS NATURAL HABITAT]

Ryu brushed his palm along the forest floor. He felt something lumpy underneath him. A net suddenly snapped upwards, ensnaring them. Aurora yelped, clawing at the thick rope. Ryu crossed his eyes, gulping as he found himself staring down the tip of a silver dagger, held in the hand of a hooded figure.

I Became a Barista in Another World! Volume 1: New Beginnings [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now