The Truth Of It All

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Jade looks up to the window where Amber is fast asleep on their private jet. ''How is she?'' ''I'm getting her out of here so hopefully she feels fine after this. Send me all of my work I'll be working in Turks''. ''You'll be missing the tea party.'' ''That's mostly you and Mom's thing. Send me pictures. Keep an eye on Bella, she hasn't shown any emotions. Plus, I've seen her on camera talking to Carmen. You know who Carmen hangs with. Close eye Jade.'' ''I got little baby badass. '' ''Take her to the tea party, practice for when you and Nina have kids". She watches him get on, the door closed and him sitting next to her opening his laptop.
"Okay. A few days without Jax. What could go wrong?"

Jordan, Silas, and Jaden gather in Jordan's office.
"Can you pinpoint where he is?" Silas asks Jaden.
"I got my men looking overseas and in the UK. Wherever your dad is he got eyes on everything we're doing to find Amore the way he did. Then he ransacked her place. What is he looking for?"
"Some stuff I took with me when I left. It could put his ass in jail if I showed people but.."
"You're no rat. It'll implicate my dad too"
"Exactly, he fooled us. Played us. So trying to get those papers back with murder is overkill. Especially for him."
"He's gone hide now because he knows we're looking for him. We need to do a sweep. Switch out all security with the big guys. We never know when he's going to hit again or who he is. Right now, Amber and Bella are the main targets. He's trying to hurt you." 
"Silas, just come out of hiding. He thinks you're scary. Show him you're not. Come out to the gala with his wife and kids. Make him choke."

The sun shines on Amber in a way New York sun doesn't, waking her up. With her mind in mush, she woke up forgetting she'd asked him to take her away.
Being near clear skies, water and warm sand is her happy place. She doesn't wanna talk about anything, she just wants to absorb the sun, the silence. Putting her life in a tiny box, sealing it with bricks, and walking away. The plane lands smoothly then they get off to the freshest air they both could ever smell. 
"The Turks huh Jax?"
"I've never been, thought once I met somebody special this would be the perfect place for us."
"I'm special?" He looks at her saying in his head that she has no idea how rare she is.
"Let's get you settled. How are you feeling?"
"Well..there's just so many questions I have but don't know who to ask or where to start"
"I might have some answers for you. After you get changed meet me on the beach"

Bella turns in her mirror wearing her first crop top. Befriending Carmen has shifted Bella's entire persona. Carmen shows her skin. Bella starts wearing crop tops. Carmen has been told by Bella that her body is everything that a man wants to see so show it off. After meeting Cane something in Bella awakened that she'd never felt before. So she found herself on his social media, seeing every girl in his comments, every male riding his coattails. The man exuded sex appeal, mystery, and danger. The way he looks at Bella makes her spine tingle yet she couldn't look away from him. Carmen knocks on her door ready to get into some mischief. "You ready for the lake party?" "I'm nervous, are you sure my body looks good in this shirt?" " Would I lie to you? Besides I'm not a dishonest friend. I'd let you know if you were badly built trust me. Bella, you have a sick petite body. All the boys drool at bodies like ours, that's the goal. Get them weak so you can get whatever out of them" "Wouldn't that make me some type of trick?" "It ain't tricking if you got it, now come on. Rose got the G-wagon"

Cane comes down the steps of his mansion home where he's met by his mother, Paisli Black.
"Where are you headed smelling like your father's cologne set?"
"The lake house, having a get-together there" Jade walks past taking a headphone out.
"He having a kickback to get into Isabella's pants"
"Shut up Jade before I start talking about you" Jade puts her hands up in defeat letting him have it, due to her fair share of secrets kept from her parents.
"Who's Isabella and why are you being a sleaze?"
"Mom, I'm not being a sleaze. I don't want to get in her pants. She's pretty that's all, she's not like the girls from around here. Her sister is who Jax picked"
"Oh, so she's a me. From the hood and about to meet some badass dangerous guy who changes my life. Cane can you please not destroy this girl's life? I do not have time to be bumping up security because you want to be popping cherries"
Caleb, his 10-year-old little brother came in the stairway.
"what's popping cherries?"
"Something you won't learn until you're 18 Caleb" Paisli says tussling his hair.
"I barely know the girl's mom. How I'm popping anything if I don't know her"
"Your dad didn't know me."
"And yet you let me taste you while you hated me" Zane chimes in coming out of his office. Zane Black is the man of the house and the breadwinner. A staple to New York as much as the Davis Family.
"Oh my god Zane fucking please, I'm trying to get our son to not be a walking whore like you were"
"Cane needs to know his footing before settling down. When he knows he will act accordingly just like I did, now look. 4 kids, 21 years later, and I'm still happily married cause I knew you were the one. Let Cane learn." Cane looks at his mom smiling as Zane always saves the day. She deep sighs handing Cane the lake house keys. "I'm going to call the cleaning people to clean up after you and your friends at my damn lake house" Zane and Paisli exchanged looks with their eyes as she walks off. "You're not getting none tonight after that pops" "Ah, don't pay your mom no mind. She just wants you to make the right decisions." " I'm not planning on doing anything with Isabella, I just met her" "Ah, Amber's sister huh?" "How did you know?" "Come on now son, be for real. Go enjoy your night. Don't break shit in my lake house"

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