Say What You Mean

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The horse races is an event where all the men young and old come to the Davis Country Club and bet on their favorite horses. It gets vicious, it gets violent, especially after a few drinks and more money personally being put down. The women just sit pretty wearing their latest fashions to get into the magazines. The teenagers that linger stay in their designated areas. So you can say the horse races have a lot going on at once.
Everyone arrived, getting their pictures, doing their fake greetings met with slight whispers. This being Amber and Madison's first event they didn't know what to expect. After standing next to Jax like the pretty trophy that she is, he kissed her cheek as he went to mingle with his father leaving the women to be women. All the women sat at a designated table where the drinks were flowing.
"Do we have to leave this life? Like can I just find somewhere to fall in place and never leave?" Madi asks the table. Jade laughs.
"How's it going with Derek? He just might propose to you."
"Did you hear that Cause I swear I'll say YES"
"You look just like his late wife, he hasn't gone after a blonde since. I'm serious about that proposal."
"Oh if only, my mom would probably lose her shit but girl get over it." The ladies laugh before putting the focus on Amber.
"So your ex is out of jail?" Jade asks.
Madison's eyes widened "Dean? Big Dean?"
"Y-yes." "Why haven't you told me? Did you see him?" "He came to the gym the other day and we talked. He's older obviously but he's Dean, he's coming for #2 if not 1." "He's going be sniffing up your ass again, if not Amanda's" "Dean lives a life I'm not sure I'm equipped for." "But, he put himself in the line of fire for you. Do you think he'd let his crazy lifestyle get to you before him? One thing I remember about Dean is he loves himself some of you." Madison says finishing her margarita. "Okay Madi, you need to slow down." "Better not let Jax know," Nina says. "Why can't she? He likes her?" Madison adds. Amber lightly hits Madison's arm. "What?! Oh, come on. Do you ignore the way he looks at you? Touch you?" "I- I don't pay it any mind." "A man that fine and you don't pay attention to the way he is with you?" Nina adds. Jade shoots her a look. "Hey! You know your brother-" "Enough! but seriously answer the question." Amber too stunned to speak of course notices the little gestures she gets from Jax, they're gestures that come with no words. No emotional talk. Jax hasn't asked her any in-depth questions to get to know her or what she's been through outside of the random Q&A about her father. She doesn't know his intentions.
"I notice his gestures okay but he doesn't show there's anything there outside of physical attraction. So who am I to fish for it and get my feelings hurt?" They all agreed with her ordering a round of shots and carrying on with the event.

Bella, Carmen, and Rose teamed up with some of the girls from their school to play tennis while the adults watched the races. With everyone lingering around from school the girls stayed in their bubble. After the game conceded to Bella's team winning, everyone dapped it up to a great game being great sports. Flooding in the dining hall, the girls get punch. Carmen goes in her fendi satchel pulling out a flask full of tequila. She pours it into Rose's cup and hers.
"Is that liquor?" Bella asks innocently yet interested.
"Yeah, you want a little? You're a newbie to this, you can't go too hard."
"Yes, I want some." After looking around, Carmen pours some into Bella's cup. The girls kept the rotation going even after eating. All a cool drunk. Bella being her first time couldn't believe how good she felt but she knew she needed to remain alert.
"Hey, the boys are out front. Let's go." Carmen instructs them. Following behind her they head outside. At the sight of her coming out the door, the doors of this black Bentley truck with bombed-out tinted windows fly open. The boys that got out exuded bad. They had on plain clothes, designer sneakers, glistening chains, and blasting music from Lil Baby. The one who sat in the driver's seat rolling up is the one who caught Bella's eye. Lightskin man, tattoos from his arms to his neck, she's sure the tattoos traveled to his stomach. Mouth-watering from his demeanor she found herself in a trance watching him roll that blunt. He looks up and notices Bella, they stare at each other talking with their eyes.
"Carmen, who's the new girl?" He says with a voice that makes a girl weak.
"This is my girl, Isabella, her sister is the one Jax spent 4 million on."
"Oh yeah? I'm Cane ma."
"Nice to meet you."
He looks her up and down, a small petite girl with the most innocent pretty face. He could smell innocence off her. He likes that.
"Pleasure is all mine, you smoke?"
"She's a good girl, Cane, She doesn't smoke. Her first time drinking." Carmen says.
"All good girls got a little bad in them right, Bella?"
"Y-yeah, sure." She nervously says. Carmen lowly smiles at their exchange. Cane Black is a kid you can't fuck with. Firstborn of the notorious Black/Stokes family, he's well respected at his young age. All the girls love him and would do anything he asks them to do and he's aware of that. He's just a young rich kid with the leeway to do bad.
"How is Lil Jade liking her new school?" Carmen asks hitting the lit blunt.
"Please she hates it, if she knew whooping ol girl ass would've cost her Davis Prep she wouldn't have done it... on school property. She be ight though she at the other best private school."
"Your mom and dad here?"
"Nah that'll be back by the cabin trip, You gone be there Bella?"
"Most likely."
"You two should hang before then though, right Cane?" Carmen says nudging Bella a little.
"I'd scare pretty princess here."
"Nobody scares me. Don't let my face fool you."
"Oh yeah? I guess you're right Carmen, maybe we should hang out. Put your number in my phone." Carmen whispers in Bella's ear as Cane passes his phone to the boy standing outside the passenger seat.
"Cane is somebody you want to get around your finger. He got a lot of ties to the city, and he's a great protector once he cares about you."
"Did you date him?"
"Oh good god no. We've just been friends for years, I dated his best friend. That's neither here nor there, get in tight with him. I promise it'll change your life. You'll be one of us Bella." This new life she's been introduced to has awoken a part of her that eventually all teenagers experience. The urge for a rush. The rush of doing bad things, the rush of hormonal tension with guys, the rush of freedom that doesn't belong to them. She feigns for it and looking at Cane, she's met her ticket.

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