Chapter 103.

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Y/n POV:

I'm still in an orgasmic haze when I wake up still lying in lokis bed. His strong muscular arms wrapped around me as he slept, not allowing me to go anywhere without waking him. I managed to roll over so I was facing him with my arm laid over his broad chest.

I smiled from ear to ear as I appreciated his sleeping form, his shoulder length hair tangled from sleep, and his smooth skin glowing in the rich morning sunlight streaming through the curtains.

The feeling of lokis body shifting and pulling me closer made me grin and I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair, brushing it out of his face. A sleepy smile graced his lips making me giggle as a low grumble of approval came from lokis throat.

I smiled and leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. Loki was now awake but kept his eyes closed with a cheeky smirk.

I then moved to his other cheek which I kissed softly and Loki finally opened his eyes to which he stared into my own with a look of pure adoration.

"Good morning Loki" I whispered and Lokis eyes flickered down to my lips.

Instead of responding Loki smirked and tightened his grip around me before roughly pulling me flush against his chest. I yelped as I adjusted to the position and Lokis mouth greedily captured mine in a passionate kiss that  told me all I needed to know. When my fingers tightened around the fabric of his shirt, a signal I needed air was only when Loki released his grip on the back of my neck and laid his head on his pillow.

"Morning" Lokis voice was husky with sleep but had a low growl that sent pleasure rushing to my core.

I blushed softly and instead of lying on him I stretched and sat up, straddling his hips. Loki watched me with a lustful stare by the dark glint in his eye, alerting me that his thoughts had taken a different turn. I wet my lips with my tongue as I looked around his room, looking for his clock.

"What do you need my love?" Loki said softly,

"Where did your clock go?" I tilted my head and looked down at him,

"I don't know darling, Barnes had the pleasure of destroying my room whilst we were apart" Loki said annoyed at the thought of Bucky tearing his room apart when we was in Asgard making me pout. I was about to respond when loki reached up and held my chin making me tilt my face to look down at him.

"But my clock in Asgard was also destroyed" Loki said his voice low, I frowned at the thought of Lokis antiques clock that sat on his bed side table.

"Why? It was so lovely" I took his hand off my chin and played with his giant hand,

"Because I'd look at the damn thing and hear you asking me the time" Loki muttered whilst looking down at me playing with his hand. I felt sadness wash over me at the thought of Loki alone in Asgard after our fight. To lighten the mood I leaned down and pressed my lips to his lips kissing him gently, I felt Loki return the gesture, his hands coming around my body and pulling myself firmer against him.

"I guess you'll just have to buy me a new one" I teased against his mouth before pulling away making Loki smirk.

"I guess I will" Loki rolled his eyes playfully before his hands roamed down my sides and coming to rest on my ass. I narrowed my eyes playfully,

"But there's something I want to do first-" Loki smirked as his large hands moulded to my ass, as claiming it as his own.

"Hey I wanted to know the time" I whined whilst trying to remove his hands from my body.

"It's time for round two." Loki smirked before forcefully grabbing the back of my neck with one hand and pulling me into another heated kiss making me grin against his mouth. His mouth dominantly kissed mine before my body in reaction grinded against him softly. Lokis growl rippled through his throat at the feeling of my body squirming against him.

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