Chapter 67.

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Y/n POV:

After a long cab ride we arrived back at the tower. We headed into the lobby before jumping into the elevator.
"As much as I love the tower and everyone, it was nice to get away" I smiled at Loki as we ascended in the elevator.
"We shall do it again my love, don't you worry" Loki winked at me making me laugh.
"Your cute" I smiled whilst reaching up to squish his mouth together,
"That hurts my masculinity darling" Loki said whilst looking down at me, making me roll my eyes.

The elevator doors opened and we walked into the living room.
"Hey tiger, Loki" Tony acknowledged us as we walked through,
"Hey Tony" I smiled,
"You guys coming for drinks tonight?" Steve asked whilst walking into the living room,
"Yep, is everyone going?" I asked,
"Yes I believe so Lady y/n" Thor entered behind cap,
"Nice man bun Loki" Bucky teased,
"Can it Bucky, I've put you hair in a man bun before" I smirked making the super solider pipe down.
"Brother, may I speak to you privately?" Thor asked making Loki sigh,
"Go with your brother, I need to talk with Nat anyway" I smiled whilst pushing him over to the God of Thunder.
"Alright darling" Loki huffed as I laughed before exiting the room. As I was leaving I glanced over my shoulder at Loki, he looked at me longingly before Thor clapped him on the shoulder and they left the living room together. I shook my head and chuckled as I set off towards Nats room. I walked in without knocking as per usual and found Nat doing her Nails whilst watching TV.
"Okay, we need to talk" I laughed whilst flopping onto her bed,
"I want details missy" Nat grinned making me laugh.

Loki POV:

Thor led me all the way to the library and closed the doors behind us.
"How was your time away with y/n?" Thor asked,
"It was great, we had a very nice time" I dead panned, I didn't want Thor to know about my very intimate night with y/n.
"That's wonderful brother" Thor smiled,
"Is that all oaf? If so I shall be heading off" I said whilst trying to walk towards the doors
"Brother, we need to talk" Thor said in his normal loud voice whilst holding me back. I huffed whilst shaking him off and walked over to one of the couches and sat down.
"Loki this is serious" Thor said making me roll my eyes,
"It's always serious with you isn't it?" I groaned whilst trying to pick up a nearby book,
"Loki!" Thor yelled making my eyes narrow, I placed the book back down calmly and acted calm to piss him off.
"I'm listening" I raised an eyebrow, thor sucked in a sharp breath through his nostrils making me smirk. I knew I was getting under his skin and I loved it.
"Loki, we leave for Asgard in one day." Thor glared,
"Shit!" I jumped up from the couch like a spooked cat,
"You forgot?!" Thor boomed,
"You mean tomorrow? Fuck." I began pacing around the library
"Meaning you haven't told lady Y/n?" Thor thundered, his temper spiking. I felt a rumble of thunder from above us,
"No." I growled as my hands flew to un tie my "man bun" so I could run my hands through my hair stressfully.
"Loki, when will you learn that your actions have consequences!" Thor continued making me clench my jaw,
"Shut up Thor, I'm not in the mood for a life lesson" I grumbled whilst trying to think of the logical thing to do.
"So what now brother? You're just gonna leave her? That's a new low, even for you Loki" Thor shook his head in disappointment,
"I will never leave her." I growled lowly,
"I'm disappointed that for a woman you care for so much, you lack in telling her that you're leaving her planet?!" Thor yelled, making a loud ripple of thunder boom from outside.
"Fuck off thor, just shut up so I can think of what to do!" I yelled over the thunder,
"For crying out loud, I've been reminding you for weeks loki, how could it slip your mind to tell the love of your life?!" Thor boomed,
"Love of my life?" I frowned whilst turning around slowly to look at him,
"Yes, Y/n is the love of your life!" Thor yelled,
"I know that, how do you know that?" I asked,
"I can tell from the way you look at her, and talk about her brother. This is the happiest I've ever seen you" Thor said with a normal volume for once. I stayed silent as I thought this over,
"I know what to do! I'll bring her with me" I smiled in triumph,
"What about father?" Thor frowned,
"What about Odin, he's never cared about me so he shouldn't care now. I have the right and I want y/n to see Asgard" I yelled,
"You know he cares about you, he's your father!" Thor yelled,
"He's not my father!" I screamed as another loud clap of thunder sounded from the sky. Just as Thor was about to continue he silenced himself as the library door opened slightly.
"Guys? Everything okay?" My darling said as her figure entered the room.
"Yes lady y/n, we are fine, just having a minor argument" Thor smiled tight lipped,
"Loki, are you okay?" My love said whilst slowly walking over to me, like I was predator about to pounce.
"Yeah, I'm fine darling" I said whilst reaching out and pulling y/n into my chest. With her in my arms I finally could calm down and re-gather my thoughts.

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