Chapter 26.

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Y/n POV:

I woke up to a bright light being shined in my face. I sat up and winced in pain as I felt harsh restraints around my body. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. I was in a small cement room with one metal door and one ceiling light hanging above my head. I was tied to a wooden chair by thick metal chains and my arms were bound behind my back with rope. I thrashed in the restraints, resulting in a loud noise with the chains but to my avail I was still trapped. My breathing and heart rate picked up and I felt myself beginning to hyperventilate.
"Calm down, calm down" I kept whispering to myself until I repeated taking deep breaths in and out. Just as I managed to clam myself the large metal door swung open to reveal an outline of a person. I squinted my eyes as the person entered the room and leaned back in my chair to create more distance between the two of us. They were wearing black and I couldn't quite make out their face,
"Hello y/n" the person said, sending shivers down my spine,
"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked trying to sound brave,
"Oh you don't need to worry about that" the person said with an evil smirk,
"You bastard! Let me go!" I screamed whilst thrashing once more in the chains,
"Silence you stupid girl, you will do as we say!" The voice yelled whilst sending a harsh slap across my face,
"Are you going to cooperate?" The person taunted,
"I would rather die" I growled whilst thinking of Loki, which made my heart skip a beat.
Where is Loki? Did he get hurt? Is he looking for me? Do the avengers know where I am?
A scary though crossed my mind,
What if they don't care?
A slow tear leaked from my eye as I returned to my current situation.
"The hard way it is." The person spat whilst grabbing a fistful of my hair making me scream in pain. I don't remember most of what exactly happened next but what I do recall is another agent entering with a machine and then a searing hot pain burned my skin. They used a machine to heat up a metal rod before burning my skin, slowly and painfully. The tears were uncontrollable and I lost my voice to the amount of screaming I did until I blacked out.


Loki POV:
As I sat among the other avengers in a meeting room discussing how to rescue y/n, I felt empty, like something was wrong.
I have never felt so depressed and empty ever before. And I knew deep down y/n was being hurt, I just felt it.
"How are we supposed to track her when she can be in any HYDRA base in the world?" Clint asked,
"Did anyone have any sort of tracking device on her?" Natasha asked,
"Yes! The bracelet I bought for her when she first moved in has a chip in it, if I can track it of any HYDRA data bases then I can pin point her exact location!" Tony exclaimed whilst running over to his computer,
"English please?" Cap said confused,
"It means I can track y/n's location" Tony said whilst typing away on his computer,
"Come brother you should rest for now" thor said whilst coaxing me from the room,
"No! I shall not rest until y/n is safe" I yelled my voice cracking slightly, catching the attention of the avengers in the room.
Thor quickly pulled me from the room and outside into the hallway.
"Bother, I can't lose her" I said shakily, letting the tears cascade down my face now that it was just me and him. Our relationship isn't the best but I trust Thor with my life.
"I will never let that happen" thor said whilst pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I felt so broken and so lost so for once I willingly walked into Thors open arms. I could feel thors shock when I wrapped my arms around him, imagining he was y/n, safe and in my arms.
"I failed to protect her" I said whilst sobbing into thors shoulder,
"You did no such thing loki, we will find her and she will be home soon" thor comforted me,
"You love her..." Thor whispered and I didn't fight it,
"Yeah, I do" I said whilst un-ravelling myself from him and wiping away my tears.
"Stay strong for y/n" thor said whilst patting my shoulder,
"For y/n." I repeated whilst walking back into the meeting room.
"Okay I have it!" Stark cheered making me smile relieved,
"Y/n is in - oh fuck" Tony cursed,
"What! Where is she?" I said clenching my fists,
"Where gonna have to recruit back up, she's in their main hydra base in Texas" Tony growled whilst making a phone call,
"Avengers suit up, meet at the Quinjet in 10!" Rodgers shouted.
I was still in my battle armour having not slept, eaten or relaxed since arriving home from the battle. Home?! Did I just say home? Y/n was right, it does just slip out after a while.

"Hey fury, yeah you know the spider kid? Yeah he's gonna have to come with us on this one" Tony said into the phone as I stood up and left the room. I caught the elevator up to the roof and walked across the roof to where the Quinjet was located before climbing in and sitting down.
I was restless and agitated, desperate and eager to see and hold y/n in my arms, this being the longest time spent away from her. My beautiful y/n was kidnapped and probably being tortured as I sat here. A violent shiver ran down my spine at the thought of someone or something hurting her. I clenched my jaw hard at the thought of what I'll do to those agents who dared to lay a hand on y/n.
Eventually the rest of the avengers piled into the jet until a young looking boy dressed head to toe in a red and blue spider onesie bounded into the jet. I couldn't see his face from under his mask but I could tell he was young by the way he acted.
"Oh my god! You guys are the actual avengers" the boy said shocked, his voice sounded familiar but I was too distracted to focus on him.
"Yeah come on kid we got bigger fish to fry" Tony said coming in behind the kid and sitting him down in a seat opposite me.
"Now, let's go save y/n" Steve commanded whilst I clench my hand around my green and gold dagger.
I coming baby girl.

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