Chapter 40.

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Y/n POV:

When the final school bell rang out, signalling the end of school I smiled happily. Today was a pretty relaxed day, I got to do a group science project with Peter, Ned and MJ which was fun and now I could go home. I left the classroom and exited the school gates in search of Loki. It didn't take long before I spotted him in all his handsome glory. He stood to the side to avoid the swarm of teenagers that flooded the footpath. On approach he noticed me and began closing the distance with a smile.
"Loki!" I shouted happily whilst running towards his tall figure and wrapping my arms around him,
"Somebody's full of energy" He laughed whilst petting my head,
"How was school my love?" Loki asked whilst taking my backpack from me and doing a double take when he felt how light it was,
"Where are all your books?" Loki asked concerned,
"It's a surprise" I smiled with jazz hands, in truth I have the day off school tomorrow and I planned on spending the whole day with Loki but I wasn't going to tell him just yet.

Loki frowned at my secrecy but carried the backpack slung across one shoulder and began walking me home.
"What'd you do today?" I asked whilst walking  beside Loki,
"I trained with Thor in the morning and then had a meeting with director Fury before coming to get you" Loki smiled down at me whilst intwining our hands as we walked.
"Why did you see Fury?" I asked confused but holding his hand in mine,
"It's a surprise" Loki mimicked me whilst doing jazz hands with the hand I wasn't holding. I chuckled and smiled up at him but on the inside my thoughts were racing 100 miles per hour.

What could've he been speaking to Director Fury about that he couldn't tell me before?

"My love what shall we do this fine afternoon?" Loki said whilst pulling me closer to him as group of men walked past,
"Hmmm oh I know what we can do!" I said whilst beginning to pull Loki into a passing supermarket.
"Little one what are we doing in here?" Loki said whilst looking around confused,
"Thor told me you have a bit of a sweet tooth and you always say you like my cooking so why don't I bake something for you?" I smiled whilst pulling him into the cooking aisle,
"Darling that is awfully nice of you but I don't want you cooking for me when you've had a long day at school" Loki said whilst rubbing his thumb over my knuckles affectionately,
"Loki on earth we cook and bake things sometimes for fun or entertainment, and I want to bake something nice for my boyfriend" I said whilst looking up into his emerald eyes,
"Fine just because your cute" Loki sighed whilst letting me drag him over to the cake section.
"Okay lokes pick out two things you want to be on top of the cake" I said whilst pointing to the vast array of sweets and chocolates that sat packaged before us.
"Mhm this one and this one" Loki said like a little kid in a candy store whilst pointing to two different chocolates.
"Okay perfect and do you want a vanilla or chocolate cake?" I said whilst grabbing the two selected items,
"You decide Babygirl" Loki said whilst holding me by the waist,
"No this is for you so you choose" I said whilst turning around to face the stubborn god,
"Which do you like more?" Loki said making me sigh,
"Whatever one I say you will pick" I said whilst shaking my head with a smile,
"Vanilla" I said in a small voice,
"I actually prefer chocolate but since you insist on vanilla" Loki said,
"What! Loki-" I began,
"I'm only joking sweetheart, I love vanilla" Loki  said whilst kissing my forehead with a mischievous chuckle,
"Silly trickster" I mumbled whilst grabbing the vanilla cake mix and heading over to the self check out.
"This is so odd, you grab and buy the food yourself?" Loki said curiously whilst watching me scan and pay for the items myself.
"Yep it's called self check out" I smiled at the curious Loki,
"Intriguing" He murmured whilst picking up the grocery bag and walking out of the store with me,
"And what would stop me from walking in and grabbing something and walking out without paying?" Loki asked with a little smirk,
"Me, I would stop you" I said whilst walking back on the foot path towards the tower,
"And I wouldn't want to face such a mighty and ruthless healer" Loki teased whilst laughing,
"I can be just as scary as Nat when I want to be" I said with false confidence, but he didn't need to know that.
"Is that so?" Loki said with a sly smile,
"Definitely" I said a little to quickly making Loki laugh and shake his head,
"You really are something else my love" Loki said,
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I chuckled at his backhanded compliment,
"I'm yet to find out" Loki teased making my whack his arm playfully,
"Ow! I've been wounded somebody call a healer" Loki joked,
"Hahah very funny" I smiled at him whilst looking up, we had made it back to the tower already.

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