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(Not Edited)

Gwyneth P.O.V

I woke up early today, yup me, yeah early. I know it's unbelievable considering I was never a morning person.

I woke up early to avoid my confrontation with Scarlett and her mother, my aunt during breakfast. Something tells me that my lovely cousin would be pissed off to find that I am the one with 'the gene', especially when she took classes everyday after school preparing for that.

I skipped breakfast and drove to school early. Though I wish yesterday was a dream, I know it isn't.

I was still fighting with myself whether or not I should say about my time travel thing to Lizzy and Nate. Nate is my next best friend after Liz. Nate is supposed to be here today.

Gideon looked pretty serious when he told me that this was a confidential matter and that I should not breathe a word about this to anyone.

Well I just snorted and told him that "yeah Gideon it's my life's soul mission to announce it to the world that I'm a time traveler and a waste one too 'cause I can't even travel to the future, so that people can treat me as their queen? Or send me to the mental asylum? I have a dream to persuade you know, unlike you I don't want to end up in a mental asylum".

He just chuckled but still made me promise that I won't tell anyone about this, well let's just say I may have crossed my fingers while doing so.

I was waiting by Nate's and Liz's lockers, yeah they have nearby lockers, unfair! and suddenly I saw the devil herself walking towards me with a sickeningly sweet smile. That smile, I recognized it, oh no she had it on every time she did something to mess up with me.

Scarlett walked so confidently with her minions following behind her. She leaned close to whisper in my ear so that only I can hear what she said "You don't deserve it and never will Gwenny. You have no idea what you got yourself into, but anyway...I'll make you pay for this"

When she leaned back she had a smile that was faker than a three dollar note on

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When she leaned back she had a smile that was faker than a three dollar note on. Then she turned around and left swaying her hip like an idiot, it was a school for heaven's sake! and her minions followed behind her like lost puppies.

Pathetic I wanted to say, but I kept quiet. I can't believe she's my mom's sister's daughter or shortly 'my' cousin.

Just when I turned to leave for my first class, I saw Liz running like a maniac towards me.

"OH MY GOD GWEN is that you? I really thought the boogieman took you or something..."she kept on shouting until I placed my hands on her mouth. I can clearly tell that she was freaked out about yesterday's episode.

We had the first class history together and I started telling her the crazy events that happened yesterday.

See we don't call people best friends for no reason, we call them so because we trust them.

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