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Hi guys

Thank you all for choosing to read this book. :D I won't let you down.I'm sure you guys are gonna enjoy this book!
This book was inspired by the red ruby series (best book ever) by Kerstin Gier, it's not the same. You can read mine without reading her's.
Did you like the cover? I made it myself

And please excuse the mistakes :)

And I'm really not good with prologues so please don't judge the book just by this chapter.



Year : 1997 (only prologue, the other chapters are at present :D )

Marlene's P.O.V

My legs were turning sore from running and sneaking around the building for the past couple of hours. As much as 'stop aside and rest for a while and maybe a lemonade and then continue' may seem tempting I can't give up, especially now. We need to reach there before the guardians find us.

I was panting hard when we finally stopped in front of the chronograph room. Though Blake looked worried he never spoke anything. He looked at me like as if asking my permission to open the door and I nodded slowly but confidently.

We had it all planned for quite some time. First sneak into the building during the morning meeting hour, when everyone are assembled in the grand hall and find the combination for opening the chronograph room (which is not easy) and hide in the lodge grand master's room, who happened to be my grandpa (thank god!) Without him, me and Blake must be dead by now.
Then when the guardians leave for lunch we run all the way to here without getting caught.

When Blake entered the codes the heavy metal door opened with a slight click sound. Then ever so softly we went inside, we came here everyday with a guardian to note and escort our time travel. But today it is totally different and we will never be coming back here again.

Quickly Blake set the bag he was carrying with our clothes and other essentials aside and started setting up the chronograph.

I watched his fingers move skillfully completely knowing what they were doing. Though I took time travel classes with him, I never quite understood the mechanism of this magical chronograph. All I know was that they help the gene carriers to travel to the past with a drop of your blood pricked. Atleast I knew that right.

Then we started hearing footsteps, they were very faint so I'm guessing they are a few seconds far from us.
My heart quickened its pace. I glanced at Blake and saw him nodding to confirm what I heard.
"Do you really think we should do this?" I asked Blake for like the hundredth time this month.
He lightly sighed and answered politely "You know this is the best way to protect her princess and this is the only way we can stop the cycle from closing "

Then he was done setting the chronograph, picked up our bag and chronograph in one hand and reached for my hand in the other. The footsteps grew heavier indicating they are nearer. I know what comes next.

"Are you ready princess?" Blake asked with a smirk, god bless us! Only he has the nerve to smirk at this moment

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"Are you ready princess?" Blake asked with a smirk, god bless us! Only he has the nerve to smirk at this moment.

Neverthless I answered with a crooked smile of my own and said the words I've told a million times before "Ready when you are"

Then multiple things happened at slow motion, the door opening, the gaurds cursing and running towards us, a needle pricking my finger from the chronograph and a blue light flashing indicating our departure,

to a place where we can be finally free,

where they can never catch us again or much less never see us again,

where there is no internet access (yeah it sucks),

where chivalry is still alive actually,

where people still ride horses and wear corsets made of whale bones (yea this sucks too),

where I will be spending quite a long time with Blake!

And from where there is no coming back.

As much as happy I may seem now who knows what is planned in my future or should I say past future. The only thing that is assuring is that Blake will be there with me, and that is more than enough for me.


Hey I know this might be very short and boring, but please don't judge, I'm not that good with prologues, in fact this is my first one.

But anyways please VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE!

It would mean a lot to me!

-cool girl :)

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