4. Absolute Gentleman

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Chapter-4- Absolute Gentleman

(P.S. Not edited)

Gwyneth P.O.V

I was currently squeezing the life out of Gideon, holding on for my dear life. My hair was flying all over my face due to the fast wind. He had a cool BMW black bike.

Who the hell puts on a helmet without offering it to the girl huh? Right only an absolute gentleman like Gideon. For a second there I thought this idiot may have at least a little manners and hand me his helmet.

"Gideon, where the hell are we going?" I asked/shouted for the thirteenth time, yeah I was counting.

"I told you to shut up, and relax your hands Gwyneth I can't breathe" He replied. What can I say I'm a good basketball player, and all my workouts haven't failed me.

"You are literally kidnapping me, at least I have the right to know where we are going, and when you follow the speed limits I might consider calming my hands" I shouted answered.

"You will know soon enough where we're going, and I'm not kidding Gwyneth I can't breathe" his voice sounded a little strained.

But I value my life more than his.

He's the one driving idiot, he falls we fall, he dies we die too! my conscience pointed out.

I reduced my squeezing pressure lightly around his torso. If not for the fact that I was riding a motorbike with Gideon at least twice the speed limit I would have blushed.

Soon we arrived at some out of town church, I followed him to behind the church. There was an abandoned locked door.

"So we're gonna break in huh?" I asked him.

Instead of replying he just pulled out a black cloth from his bike compartment and came towards me still frowning, I didn't like where this was going.

"um..Gideon don't you think I'm too young to die? Plea.." I shut up when he started tying the cloth around my eyes, tightly "Ouch..Why are you blindfolding me?"

"We don't trust you" was his simple reply, but yet it hurt.

I trusted him though I barely know him. I trusted him enough to ditch school and come to this abandoned place with no humans around in a freaking life risking BMW bike, and still he can't trust me a little to tell me where we were going huh?

I wanted to ask him what he meant my 'we', but I know I won't get any answers.

"Follow me" He commanded.

I rolled my eyes though he can't see it, yeah right blindfold me and ask me to follow you, that's the exact actions of a genius!

I crossed my arms across my chest, waiting for him to turn around and realise that I was not following him to where ever he was going. Soon enough I heard footsteps coming towards me.

He sighed and yanked my arm and dragging me forward. He let go of my arm and I heard few metals creaking noise, guess he's opening the door.

Again he pulled me by my wrist and I stumbled lightly. But when I took my next step the ground beneath went missing, and I lost balance completely.

I rolled down the steps painfully pulling Gideon down with me. Why can't he open his freaking mouth and tell me there was a staircase?!

I landed on a comfortable soft surface, thank god! But soon my landing spot started moving, oh no not again! He served as my landing cushion twice today! But he deserves this for keeping his mouth shut and not trusting me.

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