5.Stupid Me

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CHAPTER-5.Stupid me

(P.S. not edited)
( The video is not related to the chapter, and it isn't English, but it's my fav actors in the video performing amazingly for an upcoming film, the movie takes place in Las Vegas and Its Disney productions, so pls watch :) )

Gwyneth P.O.V

Think of something Gwen, think of anything, you can escape this if you use your brain for once, my conscience urged me.

You are supposed to help me you know, you are after all a part of me, I shot back.

I was currently trying to think of an excuse to escape this "MEDICAL CENTRE" in front of me. Suddenly something popped in my head,

"Gideon you yourself told that 'uncontrolled' time travels tires us right?" I asked holding on to my forehead and trying to sound weak.

"Yeah, but you slept off your tiredness remember?" I so badly wanted to wipe off his signature smirk with my fist, but I refrained myself from doing so.

There is no way he will let me go, he was even enjoying watching me struggling in this situation. I was having a mini panic attack inside me and images of syringes and blades kept swirling inside my head. I have to compose myself or else I know me panicking always leads to me talking nuisance continuously and let's just say that's not really very pleasant.

I sighed in defeat and asked the question that was my last hope,

"Please you said that I'll be coming here daily to go on 'controlled' time travels right? So why don't we do the tests tomorrow? Please?" I remembered him mentioning earlier that there was machine called some'graph' (um..yeah I forgot its name, can you blame me? this whole time thing is new to me) to allow us to travel to particular year and time.

He also told me that a gene carrier aka time traveler should travel for at least 3 hours a day to avoid uncontrolled time travels, and they can travel for a maximum of 8 hours a day.

My face must look like I was pleading no more like I was begging for my life. He considered what I said for a full minute, and finally spoke "hm..but what will I get out of this, disobeying the direct orders of the grand master?"

Who the hell was grand master? What can I bribe him with?

"um...I won't ask you anymore questions and let you rest in peace"

What the hell are you talking Gwen? RIP? My conscience asked

I don't know, I think I'm going to start my word vomit again. You know one wrong move and you're into that MEDICAL CENTRE, I replied in my mind, trying to look calm.

He chuckled and spoke "god, you sound like I'm dead and you're finally letting me rest in peace or something... But still.. not enough"

"How about...um.....urgh! Name your price" I said irately for not being able to come up with a good bribe. If it had been my friends Liz or Nate I would have bribed them with food.

Suddenly I remembered something, something very important, oh no!

Before he could open his mouth to speak, I cut him off "what time it is?"

He must have understood the panic expression on my face and replied "seven in the evening"

"Coach is so gonna kill me! Stupid me how can I forget something this important? I'm gonna loose my only chance of becoming the team captain and coach must be pissed off right now, its only fair on his part, afterall our match this weekend is with our rivals Eastwood.."

My word diarrhea was interrupted by Gideon curiously asking "what game do you play?"

"Basketball" I replied in a 'duh' tone.

He chuckled and I narrowed my eyes at him, "really? You look more like the sit-at-home-and-gossip kind and you made it to the team?" that ticked me off.

"Have you heard of the phrase 'never judge a book by its cover ' " I replied angrily, "and what do you even know about basketball?"

And that's how we ended up arguing over basketball to anything under the sky. It was silly and entertaining at the same time and we didn't realize time flowing by.

When it was eight my mom called Gideon and he took me home, though this time he handed me a helmet, and don't jump to conclusions!

When it was eight my mom called Gideon and he took me home, though this time he handed me a helmet, and don't jump to conclusions!

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He had two helmets in this place and that's why he gave me another one.

When I reached home I realized today was a long day and a very tiring one. Mom had understood that I needed time to let everything sink in and left me alone. Mom had even called school to inform them that I was sick and that's why I left earlier.

I still can't believe that I'm a time traveler, though I traveled twice. And Gideon is one too and mom, my sweet and caring mom knew about this bullshit all along and not only her but my aunt and Scarlett too.

Although I know I had to face the wrath of coach for ditching practice despite my mom calling him to tell him about my sudden 'sickness'.

And that no matter what, I have to go back to that church like place again tomorrow and to be honest, the thought of time traveling again doesn't frighten me but the mere thought of that medical centre scares the living crap out of me.

Any time I see those medical instruments I'm reminded of that day...

Despite all those thoughts running in my head I slept peacefully.


Hi guys

I know its really a very short chap, but don't worry the next will be really good and a lengthy one. And do you want to know what makes Gwen scared of hospitals and syringes and related things? And what happened in the party last year?

And I thank @SprinkleJellyDonuts for the amazing cover at the side or up.

And how did you like the video? I just felt like sharing it with you guys, 'cause you're awesome you know :)

And please tell me what you think, because for some reason this chapter isn't satisfying me, I feel like something is missing, so I would be glad to hear your feedback :)

So vote, fan, comment & share to stay Awesome ;)

Bye lovelies, signing out from you

Cool Harshi

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