Chapter 31: Black Stone Pt.2

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With newfound excitement and determination, Aries delved into his experimentation with the black stone. He realized that the stone's behavior under heat was crucial in understanding its nature. Carefully, he exposed one side of the stone to fire, watching closely for any reaction. At first, there seemed to be no change, but Aries persisted, adding more heat to the stone. Slowly, a faint glow started to emanate from the stone's surface, catching his attention.

Aries didn't hesitate; he poked the area that had started to glow, and to his delight, he managed to create a small dent on the previously impenetrable surface. The satisfaction of this achievement was overwhelming, and Aries couldn't contain his excitement, celebrating with exuberant jumps and joyful exclamations.

Meanwhile, outside his workshop, the guards on patrol exchanged knowing glances. They were well aware that when Aries was on a mission of discovery, sleep often took a backseat.

Inside his bustling workshop, Aries paused his work momentarily and embarked on a trip to the village's storehouses. The commotion caused by his nighttime experiments had left some of the villagers curious and puzzled. Still, Aries had a purpose in mind, and he rummaged through the stored materials until he found what he was searching for: the scales of the small wyvern.

Observing how the wyvern scales had provided protection against the intense flames of the fire stones, Aries drew a connection between their heat-resistant properties and the peculiar behavior of the black stone. Armed with this newfound insight, he continued his experiments with a renewed sense of purpose.

With determination driving him, Aries meticulously searched for the right wyvern scale that had a slightly curved shape, suitable to be used as a container for the melted black stone. Days turned into nights as he toiled away, melting, cooling, and reshaping the mysterious substance. Through his relentless efforts, Aries succeeded in crafting eight smaller black stones, each now refined into a more manageable form thanks to its original container.

Aries' persistence paid off when he put these newly shaped black stones to the test. He attempted to strike one of them with a hammer made from hard stone, only to witness the hard stone hammer shatter upon impact. The realization struck him: his weeks of tireless labor had yielded remarkable results. Determined to refine his newfound material further, Aries crafted an anvil from the hardest stone he could find.

Using heat to make the black stone more malleable, Aries began the intricate process of hammering and shaping the material. Although the effort required was still significant compared to working with hard stone, Aries persisted, improving his techniques along the way. Several more weeks passed, marked by endless hours at the anvil, and finally, Aries achieved a significant breakthrough.

He managed to fashion tools and weapons from the black stones he had so painstakingly refined. While the quantity was limited due to the scarcity of the material, Aries successfully created a few knives, an axe head, a spear head, and a hammer head.

Satisfied with his achievements, Aries decided it was time to share his progress with the chief and other prominent members of the village. Making his way to the village hall, he found the chief in the company of a few tribesmen, including the respected hunt leader. It was time to unveil his groundbreaking creations and present the potential of the black stone to reshape their future defenses.

"Can't you knock before you come in?" The chief said, voicing a sentiment he had expressed before. Aries' habit of entering without ceremony had become quite noticeable since his substantial contributions to the village.

"I have a surprise for you," Aries eagerly announced, though he concealed something behind his back.

"I heard you decided to abandon the idea of digging? That would be a relief. Have you stumbled upon something else?" The chief inquired, relieved at the thought. Digging required manpower, which, in turn, would increase the workload on other tribesmen if they were to allocate resources for miners.

Aries positioned himself next to the hunt leader, who sat in front of the chief, subtly urging others to give them some space. With a beaming smile, he presented his hidden creation. "Look at this! It's a weapon I've crafted using the black stone."

The chief, initially skeptical, found it hard to believe that this weapon was indeed made from the black stone he had given Aries. Suspicion lingered in his mind, wondering if the young inventor was merely attempting another ambitious venture. "Are you sure about that?" he inquired, casting a glance around at the others present.

Seeing a tribesman holding a shield crafted from the scaled beast, Aries seized the opportunity. He requested the shield, and with a subtle slide, it was placed before him on the table. The scaled beast's hide was renowned for its exceptional durability, capable of resisting the impacts of stone arrows. However, Aries swiftly drove his weapon into the shield, much to the astonishment of those assembled. The seemingly impregnable defense shattered like glass, leaving everyone in disbelief. It was a striking demonstration of the black stone's remarkable capabilities—while undoubtedly hard, if it could be breached, the resulting force would cause it to crumble with surprising ease.

"Would you look at that?" The chief exclaimed with genuine excitement. The striking demonstration had vividly showcased that even a small knife, in the skilled hands of a seasoned hunter, had the potential to readily overcome the defenses of a massive scaled beast. The astonishment that rippled through those who witnessed this feat rendered them momentarily speechless. The same thought echoed in the minds of many: the desire to possess such a formidable tool. However, an unspoken consensus prevailed, discouraging anyone from voicing their eagerness and coming across as overly greedy.

Yet, amidst the shared awe, one individual found the courage to voice the question lingering on everyone's mind. "So, where's mine?" the chief eagerly inquired, his eyes gleaming with excitement as his rough palms rubbed together in anticipation.

With a playful grin dancing on his face, Aries responded, "You'll have one as soon as you uncover a black stone through your own digging efforts."

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