Chapter 24: Alliance

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"Get on with it," the Sky Feather chief interjected, still harboring annoyance from their previous encounter.

Aries, standing on a chair to ensure he was heard, began his introduction. "Let me introduce myself first. I'm the Forest Guardian's Inventor," he proclaimed, even though the chief had yet to assign him an official nickname. The Sky Feather chief, ever ready with his skepticism, couldn't resist adding a hint of insult, "Calling yourself an inventor, huh? What could you possibly have invented?"

"I know everyone has already seen my carriage drawn by my dark wolf leader. It's probably not your first time seeing one, but compared to others, I'm confident that mine has the best quality. Am I right?" Aries questioned confidently.

While some of the tribes' members had already reported to the Sky Feather tribe about the exceptional quality and convenience of the carriage, their chief's personal vendetta still lingered, clouding his judgment.

However, Aries wasn't easily deterred. "I guess a better way of transporting goods won't prove much. How about this?" With that, he pulled out his knife, triggering a wave of panic among the other chiefs. Strangely, despite his young age, Aries radiated authority, giving off an air as if he were the actual chief of the Forest Guardians, while the true chief stood beside him, curiously watching without intervening.

Aries swiftly cut his own wrist, blood spraying out as if he had sliced through a vital vein. The sight caused a collective gasp from the chiefs. In reality, Aries had targeted a specific spot that, when cut, would lead to slow bleeding and eventual death if not treated promptly during combat. Traditionally, the wound would need to be bound to stem the bleeding, and medicinal herbs or treatments would take time to close it properly. Yet Aries defied expectations by pouring liquid from a bamboo container onto the wound. Miraculously, the injury began to close and heal on its own, without leaving a trace of a scar. It was nothing short of miraculous to them.

The chiefs stared in astonishment, their disbelief palpable. The skepticism that had initially colored their perceptions was now mingled with intrigue and a healthy dose of fear. The young inventor's display had left an indelible mark on their minds.

After the astonishing demonstration, Aries reached for five small pouches and tossed one toward each of the chiefs. Inside each pouch were five pieces of water stones. "I propose an alliance focused on enhancing relationships and the quality of life for every tribe. Any tribe can seek my services for a fair price, and in return, I ask that every tribe commits to protecting one another. This alliance will last for a year. After that time, we can reconvene to discuss whether to continue or not. For those who choose not to join, you're welcome to take the water stones and depart," Aries explained.

Surprisingly, none of the chiefs showed any intention of leaving, not even the previously defiant Sky Feather chief. The potential benefits of the alliance, especially its central location and access to the carriage, appealed greatly to them. Each tribe recognized the value in cooperating and learning from each other, even though they hadn't been on the best terms historically. While competition was common, outright conflict was not.

The Swift Needle chief presented a condition, "Give back my Trapper's thread, and we have a deal."

A brief moment of tension settled in, as Aries began to reply, "No. It looks like Swift Needle won't join-"

The Swift Needle chief quickly backtracked, attempting to defuse the situation with a nervous chuckle, "I was just making a joke. Why is everyone so serious! Ha. Ha."

Aries continued with the discussion, "So, it seems everyone is in agreement regarding the alliance. As I mentioned, every tribe must commit to aiding one another in case of external threats. Each tribe will appoint representatives to offer assistance to others. Additionally, I will craft carriages for each tribe's representatives, ensuring efficient transportation. Furthermore, I'll assist the Sky Feather tribe in enhancing the alliance's communication methods, resulting in quicker response times during times of need."

The chiefs exchanged glances, absorbing the implications of Aries' proposal. While there were still a few lingering reservations, the benefits seemed undeniable. In a world of limited resources and persistent challenges, cooperation might just be the key to mutual prosperity.

The concerns raised by the Mountain Dwellers chief and the Swamp Beasts chief highlighted the challenges posed by their geographical locations. However, Aries didn't let these challenges discourage him. He thoughtfully considered their predicaments and proposed practical solutions that left the tribe chiefs impressed.

"To address the issue of travel to the northern mountains, we can modify the carriages to navigate more efficiently through the terrain. Clearing paths and making improvements will greatly reduce travel time to the base of the mountains," Aries suggested confidently. He then turned his attention to the Swamp Beasts chief. "For your tribe, I possess knowledge about constructing larger, more advanced boats. These boats would utilize innovative propulsion methods, offering improved speed and efficiency compared to the traditional paddle-driven boats," Aries assured.

Aries continued to impress the chiefs with his insightful solutions to various challenges. Each concern raised was met with a well-thought-out answer from him. What was initially expected to be a three-day trade gathering extended into a fourth day due to the depth of the discussions. Aries demonstrated his strategic thinking and thorough preparation, ultimately securing the support of the tribe chiefs for his plan.

From the outset, Aries understood that the survival and prosperity of his tribe depended on collaboration and assistance from neighboring tribes. Despite the potential risks associated with sharing valuable knowledge, he recognized that calculated risks were necessary for success.

With the framework for the alliance established, the Forest Guardians remained in the Sky Feather village for a few additional days at Aries' request. During this time, they collaborated with the Sky Feather tribe's eagle trainers. Each departing tribe was accompanied by a Sky Feather tribesman equipped with two trained eagles. These eagles were intended to facilitate efficient communication between tribes, using a system of signs devised by Aries.

As the alliance members departed, Aries inquired about the potential for larger flying creatures suitable for use as mounts. However, it became evident that taming larger flying beasts was a challenging endeavor due to their heightened aggression and power. This understanding further shaped Aries' grasp of the limitations in their world and the need for practical solutions to overcome such obstacles.

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