Chapter 1 slipping through the cracks Part 4 an eldritch vigilante

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Izuku's pov. The mission came with directions to the person I need to save. As I ran my way over there all people could see "If" they could see it at all was a very dark purple after image. It seems the people I needed to save her from was her own parents. They kept calling her a monster for her quirk and were going to beat her up. Although I could in theory attempt to talk this out. There's no way to be certain it would work. even if they could see me. and there's the fact I don't believe they deserve mercy. Although I could test my eldritch elements. it would definitely be obvious to the world that more of them exist if they find some at the future crime scene. But with the fire it's more than likely that somebody would notice the smoke.

However that would still make the crime be connected to a being with the ability to use elements that break the worlds understanding of physics. And I'm not ready for the world to know about that yet. Perhaps nezu and a few others could theorize that a being like that existed. and maybe a few of the more powerful people in the world felt my cosmic awakening. But it's never a good idea to "show your full hand" in the game that is life. As such the best choice was to use my inhuman strength. When I was done those 2 "parents" had there bones broken so bad that it was able to mix with there blood to create a paste. After that interaction the girl introduced herself as toga. and she was clearly scared from what happened to her parents. I'm currently uncertain to if toga can see me or if she thinks a spirit did that. (End of pov).

In either case Izuku decided to figure out which one was the case. :Izuku "do not be afraid. You aren't my target, I wanted to save you" toga still nervous"where are you? Are you some kind of spirit or something?" Izuku "(I had a feeling this would be the case). Not quite yet. Though I'm on my way to becoming an eldritch being. I'm not actually invisible at the moment, it's just an ability that makes me effectively invisible 99% of the time. though in truth it's a perception related ability" toga somewhat more calm "if you are becoming an eldritch being. Do you mind explaining what you are doing or planing on doing" Izuku "I doubt you out of everyone would tell anyone. So I guess I don't mind. To make it a long story short. I am quirkless and was forgotten by this world. This is why my eldritch powers awakened. I was bullied and discriminated against simply because I'm quirkless. in addition to this I was told I can't be a hero just because I'm quirkless. Because I was effectively rejected by hero society and my parents nobody did anything to help me. I decided that perhaps I could someday recreate the world in my image, it's your choice if you decide to join me. but if you do then you should know that I plan on sparing those who are on my side".

toga "honestly. I don't have anything better to do. And either way I know that at the very least I can trust you to make it a better version of the world seeing as you also know where it needs to be improved, so yes I'll join you". The system "mission complete. You are awarded 1000 experience points. You are now level 5. 15 total ability points awarded. 10 points available. 2 new title's awarded. Merciless. Along with vigilante. level requirement met, pocket dimension is now unlocked". Izuku "(I guess doing missions was even better than I thought it would be. And to think that I didn't even consider the reward for this before choosing it, I hope I can get more missions soon). Seeing as we are now on the same side, would you like to visit my pocket dimension? It's something I recently gained the ability to access" toga "why not. It's more rare then a once in a lifetime opportunity than it is to be invited to the dimension of an eldritch being by said eldritch being".

Izuku concentrated his power and what appears to be a rip in space time appeared. The rip then changed shape and appearance into what seems to be a portal. The 2 of them then walked through the portal. As they both entered the pocket dimension the portal closed behind them both. The portal then unmade itself. On the inside of the pocket dimension there was a fully functional galaxy. Though it was currently void of any life aside from Izuku and toga. But while this dimension doesn't have any native life it does however operate on the laws of imagination. In other words it is capable of supporting life to those who believe they are safe inside it. It also means this dimension is easily able to be changed by what the owner imagines. Izuku then made this dimension be a place where whoever he wants to can see him. He also changed it so those who are invited by him can't die in this dimension and are bigger then the galaxy while they are inside the dimension. This effectively elevates those he invites to this dimension so they are in a way "on his level" even though only Izuku has control over this dimension.

But outside the pocket dimension the dead bodies (if you could even call them that) of toga's parents were discovered. The murderer is currently unknown as there wasn't even a fingerprint on either body. The few people who knew about toga's parents thought this was the work of a vigilante. The only possible motive they could think of was maybe that toga's parents thought toga had a evil quirk because it involves blood. As this was broadcasted on the news. ua was considering what to do about this as they know almost nothing about the vigilante. All for one was intrigued by the sudden appearance of a vigilante with such raw strength. But for vigilantes in Japan this was seen as a good omen as there was now a being who had the power to be considered a symbol of vigilantes. And soon Izuku unknowingly created a following. Though stain was questioning the sanity of those who follow that unknown vigilante.

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