Chapter 1 slipping through the cracks Part 3 a disturbance in the force

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Izuku decided it wasn't yet time for robbing. No. It's much too great of a risk at the moment. He needed to learn to use his abilities that he started with. He went into the skill menu and found the following elemental skills 'eldritch fire' 'eldritch water' 'eldritch lightning' 'eldritch earth' and 'eldritch air'. They are each versions of these respective elements and each of them are alien to the world. They also have any properties there individual elements can have. But they look different from any recognisable form of there element. As well as possess properties alien to reality on at least some level.

With this description in izuku's mind along with the names of the eldritch elements. To start with he created a small amount of eldritch fire. This fire was exclusively shifting between shades of grey. To Izuku it didn't feel hot or cold. it doesn't even feel warm. Almost like it exists outside the concept of temperature. And the smoke was entirely the color of fire. This fire exists in a form of chaos beyond what physics could explain. Because he doesn't currently know what would happen if he decided to throw some of this fire Izuku decided to test it very carefully. He traveled to a park and took a random leaf along with a small twig. He made the leaf touch the fire. Surprisingly enough it didn't spread the fire. But as he carefully pulled the leaf away from the fire. the parts of the leaf that touched the fire were entirely gone. As if they were erased.

Izuku carefully decided to feel around the missing parts of the leaf. It turns out those missing parts of the leaf really were erased. After this discovery Izuku immediately stopped the flow of magic to the fire putting it out. He can find out more later but Izuku isn't dumb enough to risk erasing the world. With the eldritch water it's an unnaturally gray liquid. It also shifts in shades of grey. It melts organic matter such as the remains of the leaf. And yet will not harm living things such as a fly or even Izuku himself. it also exists outside the concept of temperature. If these powers were seen by a human they'd almost certainly assume an alien was the user. If not then they would think it was some being who is destined to destroy the world or something.

Although perhaps that would not be wrong. Izuku didn't like this world so perhaps he should recreate the world in his image. He just isn't ready to accomplish this task quite yet. But someday the stars will be right and ready for this task. The system "you have a mission available" Izuku "what is it" the system "while it may seem partly against our new long-term goal. There is someone who would join our side. However they need help first, she has gone through quirk discrimination because her quirk involves blood" Izuku "(just one of the many problems I'll remove from this world). I'll accept this mission I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't. Perhaps she could be allowed to remember the world from before I recreate it in my image, although maybe instead I could have a dimension for me and my allys to live".

 meanwhile at ua. All the teacher's along with nezu felt the awakening of a cosmic being. A bit later while trying to figure out where it is Nezu checked a scanner on a satellite to try to find where it is on earth. But what he found instead was something that would break the worlds understanding of physics. It was smoke with the color of fire. And when trying to find where it originated from the only result was a fire that was constantly shifting between shades of grey that. according to the cameras seems to be floating. But looking through a thermal lens of the scanner seems to make it appear to not exist. Based upon this evidence that fire exists outside the concept of temperature and doesn't obey the physics fire should have. It in fact is best to describe this fire as a duality of fire and not fire. It also exists in a form of chaos given that it's shifting between shades of grey.

Even Nezu was getting a bit of a headache from trying to figure out how it even works. Eventually they all noticed that the fire put itself out. Despite the fire not seeming to actually burn anything in the first place. And they noticed a small amount of a gray liquid in a bird bath not that far from where the fire was seen by them. Reluctantly they had a few heroes try to gather it. When those hero's arrived they decided to have a leaf dip into it as a way to test if it's safe to touch. To there shock and horror. The leaf ended up melting like the Gray liquid was a type of acid. Which means they have to be extremely careful with it or else they'd risk a near instant death. They also noticed the liquid is shifting between shades of grey. This means it must be connected to the Gray fire. Noticing the bird bath wasn't full they decided it may be possible to move it to ua for investigating.

When they arrived they informed Nezu about what they discovered about the Gray liquid. Those hero's decided to take a break from hero work for what remains of the day. Nezu then began to investigate the Gray liquid. After some time Nezu figured out that it could only melt organic matter and somehow was unable to melt living beings. Using this information he knew it was safe to investigate with a microscope. The information he learned from this was the Gray liquid has the exact chemical make-up of unsalted water. However it still contained impossible properties. The only thing that theoretically could explain this was higher dimensions. Unless you want to believe aliens are real.

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