bike riding with harry :D(might be a bit sad sorry!!)

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Summer break after sixth year was highly anticipated. The blazing sun kissed your skin and left it with a warm sting. The fresh air danced around the palm trees as you walked with Harry, Hermione, and Ron along the beach near your hometown. 

"I did not expect to be persuaded this easily," Ron mentioned, spitting out the sand that has caught on the corners of his mouth. "You did not inform me that this sand was going to get everywhere." He shook off the sand on his sandals, his sunburnt toes itching with sand. 

You smirked. "I told you before coming here that rolling around in the sand was not a good idea." Harry smiled at you, his messy hair and dorky glasses making him look even cuter. "Also, you let Hermione bury you, Ron, I am sure the sand was not just going to disappear." 

Ron and Hermione shared a shy look with one another. Hermione hugged her arms closer to her chest, her blue one-piece bringing out the soft brown lights in her hair. Ron, who was covered in his obnoxiously long towel, noticed the freezing Hermione. He walked closer to her and stretched out his arm, making ample room for her. Hermione shook her head slightly but Ron tilted his head in earnest. He smiled as Hermione gave in, his arm wrapped around her shoulders and shielding her from the stares of the others at the beach. 

You walked alongside Harry, his gray sweater flowing as the air made its way through him. The seagulls made their presence known as they tormented the poor families down by the shore. You chuckled with Harry as one family were entertaining the birds, realizing rather quickly that they were not that friendly after all. 

"That looks like so much fun," Harry mumbled, rubbing the back of his sleeve along his nose. 

You laughed. "Do you want to go and join?" You edged him on with you shoulder, watching him chuckle at your invite. 

"I wouldn't want to ruin it for them," he responded, fixing his glasses. He ran his fingers along his hair, his tan skin glistening in the light of the setting sun. 

You admired how he looked at that very moment: carefree. There's hardly any moments where Harry looked like he was genuinely taking in the air that was entering his lungs. Like he was genuinely excited to live. He only felt that way when he would play Quidditch, he even shared how much he longed to feel the air go through his hair again as he played. Which brought you to a very good idea that you had to share with all of them. 

You scanned the beach and your eyes widened at the sight of a small shop just a couple of hundred feet away. You took Harry's hand and jogged up to the shop, ready to give him an experience that will hopefully make him look forward to the rest of the summer. 

A grumpy man frowned at you as you made your way to him. 

"We close soon." This was all that he said. 

"That's fine by me," you responded, rummaging through your pockets for money. "I would like to rent four bikes." You set the bills and coins on the counter, looking up at the grumpy man with a hopeful glance. 

The man looked down at the money placed in front of him. He thought about it for a second, then realizing that no one else would probably want to pay as much for an hour of exercise, he took it with a swipe. "Return them in an hour," he instructed and walked into the darkness of his shop. 

"Let's choose one and ride before the sun goes down," you said, your eyes glued to a dashing deep blue bicycle. 

Harry beamed and he chose a crimson red bicycle. Ron chose a lovely green one with funky black stripes surrounding it. Hermione chose a bright purple bicycle, one that complimented yours well. 

"We all know how to ride a bike?" Hermione asked, taking note of what Harry's response was. 

The thought did not cross your mind until now and a sudden dread went through you. Harry remained silent, then after a couple of seconds, he smiled. "If I can fly a broomstick, I reckon a bicycle won't be that difficult." You smiled, feeling the air enter your system again. 

Ron licked his dry lips anxiously. "I hope we can get some water soon, my lips are about to fall off." 

This sent a burst of laughter in the group before each of you kicked off and started to pedal. You were one of the ones leading, Hermione right beside you. Her bushy hair fell behind her so gracefully. 

"This feels so good," she commented, her hands tightening on the bicycle as she made a slight turn with the sidewalk. 

You grinned as the pink hues of the sky bled into the ocean. Everything seemed so quiet, so still. The orange soon took over and the sight was breathtaking. The soft waves of the ocean crashing along the shore as the air did its magic was surreal. You glanced at Harry who was doing such an amazing job at staying balanced. His eyes widened at the scenery around him, as if trying to soak in all the colors and shapes in front of him. 

"This is so beautiful," he whispered, his mouth slightly opened as he finished the sentence. 

Ron nodded, his towel wrapped impressively on his stomach. "Bloody hell, we should come here more often." Hermione smiled at Ron, which made Ron's stomach do a back flip on its own. 

Harry pedaled slightly faster to ride right alongside you. "Thank you, for this." 

"For what?" You asked, playing aloof. 

"For giving me a taste of home where you grew up," he replied, exhaling. "This feels like flying on my broom, the wind in my hair is a feeling I thought would be impossible to recreate. But, you did it. For me. Thank you." 

You beamed at his gratitude. "Of course, Harry, happy anniversary." It was the day you met Harry all those years ago, right in front of the house of the Dursley's. It was such a coincidence that you both ended up to be wizard-folk, that way you both will always be inseparable. 

"Happy anniversary, my love," he responded, grabbing your hand and kissing it. It was difficult to have that stability, but once he managed, your heart melted even more. "You have changed my life for the better and continue to amaze me each day. I can't wait to have many more adventures with the bravest person I know. I love you." 

"I love you," you responded, your heart just effortlessly full. 

As the four of you continued to ride off into the sunset, the man from the shop watched the four of you from a distance. He fumbled around the four walls until he found the light switch, his heart tightening as he glanced at the photograph on his messy table. He removed the clutter and grabbed on to the photo of two people on bikes, right in front of one of the most memorable sunsets one can see. 

A small smile showed on his face, most of the lines of his face screaming from the effort. "I miss you, my Charlotte," he whispered, running a finger along the dusty image of a woman standing next to a bicycle. He looked up at the sky as he clutched the photograph to his chest, trying to get it to reach his heart. "Thank you for painting the sky again for me. I'll see you soon." 

Harry Potter Oneshots Part 2 :pWhere stories live. Discover now