Capítulo Dos

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yesterday was crazy. nix and mika came back a few hours after me.

venom bit through the dinosaur like it was cotton candy.


venom was fighting a hole guy. our new villain of the week.

"fuck sake!" venom shouted as the spot kicks his own ass and falls into one of his spots. I'd say it was his first time but I knew it wasnt.

'Miguel, hobie, pav, gwen. im coming. meet in the lobby. shits went down.' I said through my telepathy.

i open a portal and wait 2 minutes before they are all here. once they are all here I explain everything.

"yea so. Mr hole is loose in MY galaxy. so now I have to fuckin go up there and see my fuckin parents. more well known as 'the king and queen of the most fucked up planet.'" i sigh.

"how did he get loose." Miguel asked me in a angry voice.

"well. he kicked his own ass and landed in my galaxy. because of his fuckin portals." i roll my eyes.

Miguel launches at me. "you let him get away!" he shouted i roll my eyes.

"copy." venom took control and stopped Miguel. "you have to stop doing that. we are going to get him. she wouldn't say we're going there if she didn't have to."

"she's the one who let him get away!" he yells. venom puts him on the floor with little to no effort and pins him down.

"dont." he gives me control again and I open a portal to my planet. great. this shithole again. I take a deep breath and walk in.

the portal closes behind me. I land on my planet in my kingdom. turns out my mum died! FUCK YEAH!

"there!" venom shouts and charges at the spot.

"hi there!" the spot says and launches holes at us. venom dodges them all and pins him down. I open a portal back to neuva York and put my new invention. ✨power canceling cuffs✨ on spot. his holes goes away.

"Miguel!" i shout. anger in my voice. the whole lobby stares at me. "Miguel O'hara! get your ass here now!" i shout again.

i see Miguel walking to me. I throw spot on the floor infront of him.

"fucking got him." i say as I walk away.

"wait! how?!" Miguel puts a cage around spot.

"im much more powerful on my planet. my kingdom. my galaxy. I rule everything. even this world. all these universes." i give him a death glare from the corner of my eye and fly to the cafeteria.

"wha-" Miguel gets cut off by spot.

"so bad timing. but uhh can i get out of this?" spot asks.

i come back from the cafeteria with a bagel in my hand. I stick it to the cage he's in.

"want it?" i tease him.

"what?!" spot shouts.

i let out a manic laugh. venom come out and licks his teeth. he goes to bite through the cage but miguel stops him.

"dont!" Miguel shouts.

"ugh." venom rolls his eyes and gives me control again.

"someone lock him up. he's too dangerous to bring back." Miguel orders. spider people come to come and take spot away.

"you. come with me." he points to me and venom and starts walking. we follow him to a room. hobie, gwen, pav and miles are there.

"hey guys" i wave. they all look at me with big smiles and wave back.

beggin you. ft hobie brown.) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin