" You idiot, who told you to drink so much? The first room on the left hand... " He said. 

" Ok!! But... we need to talk. Right now!! You should know that I love... " I gathered all the courage in my body and tried to tell him again that I loved Mahi.

" I know, you love me, I love you too. I love all my friends. Now go, or, I  may sleep standing here. " he turned me and pushed me toward my room.  The first room to my left.

I opened the door and went inside. It was dark, I could not see much and I  tried to find the switchboard but could not.

" Damn!! Where was the light button? "  I muttered and looked again but then gave up. I was too drunk to take out my nightwear as it is I could not even find the switchboard. So I reached the bed, undressed, and got into bed. The bed was very warm and soft.

Raj was sleeping on the other side and I also got into the warm and fluffy quilt and slept immediately.

After some time I felt that I was somewhere and there was no light and it was very cold just then I felt that a fresh fragrance was in the atmosphere and it seemed to be very familiar. I didn't even realize but I reached out for it and felt something soft, silky, and warm that smelt that way and held it tightly to me and buried my nose in the softness to enjoy that fragrance and warmth.

I don't know how but that soft thing reminded me of Mahi. And since I could not have her but have been craving to have her to myself, I tightened my arms around it and imagined as if I was holding her and to my astonishment, I literally felt that it was Mahi.

I snuggled into her and sighed as I was feeling good, I was going crazy with the thought of having her in my arms and her fragrance was so nice that I sniffed her again and again and every time my illusion of having her in my arms got stronger.

I wanted to absorb that thing in me as it literally felt like having Mahi in my arms. All of a sudden, I felt that whatever it was wanted to get away from me but I didn't want that magic or dream to vanish so I held it tight.

But after a few seconds, It again tried to slip out of my arms.

No, please... Please stay with me, you wanted me to kiss you, I did, and I swear to god that I have never enjoyed a kiss like before. It was sweet, pure, and magical. I want you...

I could not hold myself anymore and my lips kissed her neck and I buried my face in her long silky hair, and felt her gasping. She seemed to be shocked and tried to get out of my arms again, though I was enjoying this a lot, I could not hurt it by holding it very tight so I loosened my arms a bit and she managed to get out of my arms.

Oh no!! I felt as if my heaven was lost. I buried my head in a pillow as it also smelt like her.

I was already missing having her in my arms. Just then, I felt her coming near me again, as if she was teasing me. Her fragrance enveloped me and all of a sudden, I turned and grabbed her hand and pulled her down to me and she fell over him.

It was a beautiful dream as I could do anything that I wanted without being cautious.

She was lying on me and I could feel her soft warm body on me, I swear, I could get used to it.

The surreal scenario played out in my mind like a vivid dream. She lay on me, her touch sending a rush through my body. Her warmth and closeness were intoxicating, but the awareness that it was just a dream helped me regain my bearings.

It was an unbelievable rush, everything felt so real as if it was not a dream. She lay on me, her weight pressing down, and I could sense her softness against my chest. Her body was close, and the contact sent a jolt through me. As she moved to get up, I caught her, my arm wrapping around her waist to keep her close.

Her lying on me earlier ignited something inside me, her warmth spreading through my chest, grounding me.

As she attempted to rise, I gently held her in place, lost in the ephemeral sensations. Her presence felt real, yet I knew deep down that it was all a creation of my subconscious.

Suddenly, she tried to pull away, but I flipped us over, pinning her gently to the bed. Confusion and realization mingled as I took in the situation.

"I need you here with me," I murmured against her skin, planting imaginary soft kisses along her neck and shoulder. I could feel her shiver, her breath catching. Her heart raced, just like mine. The sensations were surreal, like a haze enveloping my consciousness.

"I love you... Stay with me," I  whispered. My voice held a mixture of vulnerability and longing.

Her spaghetti top revealed a hint of her curves, and despite my clouded judgment, I couldn't ignore the desire I felt as my hand slipped onto her bosom. The intensity of my feelings was palpable, even in this subconscious realm.  Her gasp only fueled my intoxicated fantasies and I wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss her.

As she nestled in my arms, a sense of belonging washed over me. Her presence in my arms felt strangely comforting, like coming home after a long journey.

Though all this was just a dream, it felt real. My heart raced, knowing she had feelings for me.

I held onto her, lost in the thoughts of what it would be like to hold her closer, to feel her lips against my body.

The dream had me captivated, lost in a world where desires and emotions intertwined without consequence. It was a realm where my longings could be explored without the confines of reality. And yet, deep down, I knew that once I woke, the dream would fade, leaving behind a lingering sense of curiosity and introspection.

As my hand brushed against her, I felt her gasp. Her reactions were a mix of uncertainty and desire, mirroring my own. Her body seemed to respond to my touch, making it harder to keep my emotions in check.


Good morning friends 🌞

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Sorry for not responding, I am not well for the last few days. I am getting dizziness as my hemoglobin level came down all of a sudden. So not being able to work much. I haven't written anything for 5-6 days.  I hope to get better soon.

But I need your wishes and support. Yesterday I did something that is very important to me and my life. I can not reveal it right now but I want you all to wish for me to be successful in that. If I am successful, I will treat all of you with something nice. Please do not ask me about it. I will definitely  share it with you if I get successful. Please pray for me that I get through it.

Please read  Forbidden desire on mytopia/ Readamo. The basic story is same but it is very different. Rose (Roshni) has twin children already, one boy and one girl. There are many new chapters and scenes.

Take Good care and have a nice day.

Chhavi ❤️❤️😍

It started with an Accident...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang