Chapter 1

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"Izzy, could you come here for a minute please?"

I was organizing the paperwork I did earlier when I heard dad calling me. I put that aside as I walked my way up to him.

I saw him talking to a guy in a leather jacket and I instantly recognized who it was. I heard stories about him and the things he has done. 

I've seen him a bunch of times at the workshop as well. He one of dad's loyal customer.

I slowly walked up close as dad finally noticed and smiled, "Ah yes Izzy, can you clear mine and the guys schedule for Friday? Make sure there's no appointments and no day off that day."

I kept my eyes on dad as I nodded, "S-Sure daddy, I'll do that n-now."

I avoided looking at the scary guy beside dad but my gaze betrayed me and took a peak at his face. He was staring at me with a straight face. I quickly looked away and walked back to the desk. 

I quickly did what dad told me to do as I thought when was Emily coming home with some food. I'm starving here. 

My life was not perfect but I wouldn't exchange it for anything. I was a small girl with big dreams that I hope one day I see it becoming a reality. 

I lived in a small town in Virginia with my dad and my big sister Emily. My mom left my dad for another man when I was only a year old so I don't know anything about her. Dad and Em didn't even like talking about her.

My dad has always been there for me, he's been my mom and dad so I never felt there was something missing. I've always been daddy's little princess. I hadn't told him about my dreams yet cause I know he'll get sad. 

He always told me how the world is a scary place filled with all different types of people. But I want to do something with my life. I have to tell him sooner or later.

I just turned 18 a week ago and last week I got an early acceptance letter from a university in New York. The letter has been hidden in my room since the day it arrived. I always get our mail from the mail box so I was glad dad was not aware about it. 

Best birthday gift I could have given it myself.

I haven't told Em yet as well because who knows how she'd react. She did always push me to chase my dream but moving to the most busiest and crowded city in the country, she would be reluctant as well.

Dad works in his garage all day everyday so me and Em had taken responsibility of the house chores. I go to school in the morning and after school, I help dad in his garage. I do all the filing and the paperwork of every car that comes in for a repair. I also bookkeep all his finances. Em had her own job, she worked at a restaurant as a waitress. Sometimes she would come help me around when it's her day off. 

I was brought back to reality when I heard dad repeating my name. I looked and saw he was standing beside me. 

I shook my head, "Sorry daddy, what were you saying?"

"I was asking did you clear out Friday? but are you alright, you've seem distracted for a couple of days now." He sounded concerned. 

I smiled, "Yes daddy I'm fine, you think too much and yes its cleared. I called everyone to reschedule except for Mr. King. He's not picking up his phone." 

"Leave Mr. King. He can come in that day." 

I nodded as I asked, "So... he wanted the usual service?"

Fight With Me (Small Town Girl #3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz