Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: A Day Off.


"Everyone... Release." Ash shouted releasing all his Pokemon together. Like usual, Charizard and Dragonite came out with a roar, Rhyhorn simply materialized musing some incoherent things, Bulbasaur greeted Ash with a smile and Lucario walked to stand next to Ash. Pikachu ran up to his teammates and then turned towards Ash with a small smile.

They were standing near a wide pond, several bug Pokemon namely Weedle and Caterpie were scattered all around the place. "Guys, let's rest for today, our journey has come a long way, and I've decided that we spent our day in leisure and enjoyment. What do you guys say?" Ash said and his Pokemon voiced out their agreements. Dragonite and Charizard directly took towards the sky to have a race, with Charizard losing badly each round.

Pikachu and Bulbasaur ran around the field playing tag while Rhyhorn walked towards Ash and nudged his legs making Ash kneel down to greet him. "Rhy~" Rhyhorn whined pushing towards Ash. "You want to spent time with me?" Ash chuckled warm-heartedly, getting an eye-smile from Rhyhorn. "Follow me, lets get some wood to cook food." Ash said and led Rhyhorn away with him.

Lucario walked around the clearing looking for a nice tree. After finding the perfect tree of his suiting, he jumped up to it's branch and lied on it before letting sleep take over him.

Pikachu seeing Lucario sleeping adopted an evil look in his eye before calling Bulbasaur towards him and whispering something into his ear. Bulbasaur adopted a worried look in his eyes before Pikachu tapped his shoulder and confidently laughed. Bulbasaur seemed to reluctantly agree to what Pikachu was saying and shot his vines at Lucario, he slowly pushed Lucario off the branch and watched as Lucario fell towards the ground painfully.

Pikachu started laughing and went rolling on the ground while holding his stomach. Suddenly, he found his surroundings become dead cold in a jiffy. He adopted a shocked look and found himself drowning in the pond. Pikachu panicked before slowly composing himself and swimming to the shore. "Pika Pikaaa." Pikachu angrily demanded making Lucario smirk. "If you want to have another round of our wrestling match that we had every night when I was a Riolu, then the ending will be same, with your utter and complete defeat." Bulbasaur simply looked at the exchange with a small worried look.

"Guys... What are you doing?" They heard Ash calling out to them, they turned towards the source of the sound to find Ash walking towards them with a bundle of sticks on his shoulder. Next to him, Rhyhorn had a bigger bundle on his back. "Let's make lunch." Ash said and his Pokemon ran towards him forgetting everything that happened immediately.

Charizard and Dragonite glanced and Ash and grunted before continuing their aerial battle. Ash told them to have fun, and they were currently doing what is the most fun thing to do for dragons, fight to show dominance. Both of them threw various dragon and fire moves at each other, trying to overpower the other.

Ash sighed at his dragons before getting ready to cook lunch for all his Pokemon and himself. Ash decided that since all of them were having a break, why not have something special and decided on Chicken Banbanji. (Cuz eating Pidgeot or Spearow seems a bit... Umm, I leave it to ya guys)

His Pokemon gathered around him watching his prepare the food with eyes filled with anticipation, making him sweatdrop. 'So... First, let me boil the chicken.' Ash boiled the chicken in some water mixed with soya sauce and sake.

'Let's cut some tomato while the chicken boils.' Ash decided and started cutting the tomatoes with a skillful display of knife cutting. After cutting the tomatoes, Ash found that the chicken was cooked to perfection so he took it out and kept it to cool down. After the meat cooled down, 'Now, for the hard part.' Ash said before he started tearing down the chicken meat with his bare hands. He glanced at his side and saw Rhyhorn drooling at the sight, which made him chuckle.

"You'll get to eat soon Rhyhorn, patience." Ash said while chuckling, his Pokemon chuckled too creating a nice warm environment, which was ruined by two loud roar and two thuds as Charizard and Dragonite came towards Ash. "They are asking for food." Lucario sighed making Ash grin. "Wait a few minutes." Ash said and his dragons whined at him making him chuckle for the utmost time that day.

Ash quickly finished tearing the meat and poured some sesame dressing to the teared meat before making sandwiches with it and handing it to his Pokemon one by one. Ash didn't even get to eat his share before his Pokemon came for second rounds. Ash smiled at his Pokemon and quickly filled their plates again. After Ash was satisfied that his Pokemon were full, he took out a bottle of orange juice from his bag and he too started to enjoy his meal.

Ash felt a tug on his belt and saw a red light materialize out of it. Ash looked at Mewtwo in surprise but saw him eyeing his sandwich which made Ash smile at him. Ash quickly prepared a sandwich and handed it to Mewtwo who took it slowly from his hands. Mewtwo sniffed the sandwich for a while before slowly taking a bite from it. His eye widened and he quickly devoured the sandwich just to find Ash give him a second sandwich which he took, albeit, with much enthusiasm then the previous one.

"I never imagined that a sandwich can be prepared in this way... The chefs of Giovanni always gave me green vegetables to eat. I never expected such an elegant flavour from such a simple slice of bread." Mewtwo exclaimed making Ash say, "We call it Banbanji Salad Sandwich, isn't it delicious?" Ash questioned and Mewtwo nodded his head. "You have my gratitude for making me taste such a pleasing cuisine." Mewtwo nodded at Ash before he got back into his pokeball. With Mewtwo gone and all his Pokemon's stomach filled, Ash finally got to enjoy his meal.

"I believe we should depart now." Lucario said making Ash nod his head. "Yeah... I can almost feel the environment changing, it's gonna rain today." Ash said and Lucario nodded his head. With that Ash started packing his stuff and got ready to leave the place. He recalled all his Pokemon minus Pikachu and Lucario and started heading towards Veridian city. "Giovanni, I am coming for you." Ash said with a calm look. He was fully ready to crush Giovanni. 'Charizard, Lucario and Dragonite have a score to settle against you Giovanni.'


Hope u like the chap...

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