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The sun shone brightly showering her glorious light on the remote Pallet Town. The sun's rays reflected from the leaves of the trees and the rooftop along with the various landscape that shaped Pallet town gave it a calm but luminous shine.

It was a small remote town located at the South of Viridian City. Pallet only got its recognition because of one resitant of the small town, Samuel Oak, popularly known an Professor Oak. One of the greatest minds of the Pokemon world, his greatest achievement was the Pokedex, a small supercomputer that contained information of almost every Pokemon found in every region in the world.

Prof. Oak rose to fame after winning the Indigo league with the help of his strong and varied Pokemon team. He then went on to become a Pokemon Champion and held the reign before deciding to become a Pokemon Professor. He became well known accross the world after his invention of the Pokedex.

Even with all the achievements of Oak, Pallet Town remained remote and never became too well-known. The residents of Pallet were kindhearted and were all living peacefully.

In the Lab of the said prof. stayed two dragonic creatures who were giving a hard time to Oak

"Why won't you guys let me see your egg?" Oak whined.

Both Charizard and Dragonite let out a loud rumble as a response before standing protectively around their nest.

"Fineee. You can have it your way!" Oak rubed his temples in defeat. He then turned towards a guy who was standing behind him. The said guy was watching the interaction with an amused look on his pale freckled face. The guy looked to be in his late 20s. He was wearing a white labcoat over a red shirt and blue pants. He was one of the assistants of Oak's who worked in his building.

"Tucker, can you please bring me Delia?" Oak asked his assistant.

"Yes professor!" Tucker straightened up and left the room.


"You called for me Sam?" A beautiful woman with her auburn hair tied in a low ponytail questioned as she entered the room. She was wearing an lab coat similar to Tucker's except she had a small metal tag that said 'head breeder' on it.

The woman was Delia Ketchum, the head Breeder of Oak's Lab. A breeder is a person who takes care of Pokemon and raises them with care and love. To become a breeder, one needed to graduate from a Pokemon Doctor's Academy and then getting a recognition certificate from any Regional Professor.

"Yes Delia. I require your assistance here! As you can see, Charizard here has layed an egg for the first time in her life. I want to examine if there are any abnormalities with the eggs but she and Dragonite won't let me near their egg. Can you please help me with it!" Oak explains.

"Sure thing professor." Delia says with confidense and makes her way to the pair of dragons. "I can do this."

"I can't do this." Delia admits with a defeated tone after failing to get near the egg dozens of time.

"What will we do about the two of you?" Oak sighs. "The two haven't allowed me to enter this room for about six months now. When I was finally granted permission to enter today, I was pretty excited but it seems my excitement was for nothing." He grunts.

Delia lets out a chuckle at this "We'll try again tomorrow Sam. It's getting late. I'll go home now. It's about time for Ash's class to end."

"Ash, Haha, that little ball of sunshine. Bring him tomorrow, it's been a while since I last saw him. Knowing him, he would also be missing me and my lab. Or the pokemon to be more specific" Oak says while chuckling but he adds the last part as an afterthought.

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