•12| Possessed by the spirit🖤

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The moment Cia came to the light you saw her face clearly which was turned pale and stained in blood. It seemed like she had eaten some raw flesh before showing up here.

Your gaze trailed down from her face to her hand which was also drenched with blood and some drops were still dripping from her fingertips. You frighten at that sight and when your eyes again move up to her face, you notice her sclera which had turned totally pitch black.. She's not looking like a human anymore. Something had totally changed in her aura. Gasping at that scenario you took a step backward.

You couldn't believe what you were seeing before you. You felt your heart rise swiftly up to your throat at the realization that......

she's now possessed by a spirit.

Soon a smug crept up on her face causing your eyes to come out of your sockets in shock and now you don't want to go upstairs because you know whoever is standing in front of you wasn't your Cia.. She's someone but your Cia..

You looked over your shoulder and saw that the figure who was present in the living room now turning towards you slowly-slowly.. You swallow hard as you are trapped between the Devil and the deep blue sea.

"HELLO DOLL" Your head immediately snapped up towards the stairs when that deep gravelly voice penetrated your ears. You became shocked hearing her talking again because she had lost her ability to speak in childhood but what terrified you more was her Voice.

It did not sound girly anyway, instead it was throaty and croaky which sounds more like a manly voice..

Gulping down with difficulties, You gaped at her with your blurry vision while holding your breath whereas your whole body was shivering in pure terror because you knew that the person standing in front of you was your sweet little princess but the demon inside her has a wreckage intention towards you.

"Who..are you? What have you d-done to my Cia?" You asked with your trembling voice but instead of answering she started tittering creepily. You looked at her bewilderedly whereas she was gawking at you with a tilted head & demolish smirk on her face..


Your breath hitched hearing his remark whereas your chest was burning up with agitation.. You slightly shook your head and stepped back.. Seeing your fragile state that specter feels contentment as he bares his teeth.


She said showing her mucky teeth, sending a shiver down your spine.

"Let's Play Hide And Seek."

She added creepily and before you could acknowledge anything she yelled-

"NOW PLAY WITH ME" and with that she jumped on you.

"Aaahhh!!!!" In fear you screamed and closed your eyes tightly while shielding your hands in a protective way in front of your face but nothing happened. You slowly uncrossed your hands in front of your face and looked at the staircase only to find it empty.

Cia was not there and when you inspected the living room that tall figure also vanished from there.. You roamed your gazes at every corner of the hall for another second before releasing a shaky sigh.

A few seconds passed but you didn't feel or hear anything until you heard a faint ankle bracelets jiggling sound which was gradually getting more audible but as you looked around yourself you found no one there....

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