•05| Leave this house🖤

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Tires scratching sound echoed in the air as you stopped the car in front of the house. It took hours for you to return back home. It was not that Tan's checkup took much time but it was you who didn't want to come home in the first place. You want to stay outside in order to refresh your mind from the previous incidents.

When Tan's appointment got done you roamed around the city with him and took him to the park too as you mentioned, so that you both could play. He played and enjoyed the time with you in the park and seeing him behaving like before you became so happy.. He really behaves like your old Tan..

You got out of the car before opening the car door for Tan. First he hesitated but then jumped out from the seat and sat near your feet. You beamed while looking down at his tiny figure who was looking at you while sticking his tongue out...

"I see, you enjoy today. We will go there often, okay." You ruffled his fur and with a small grin you took your steps towards the main door but suddenly Tan jumped in front of you, blocking you from taking further steps toward the house..

He gaped at you and then barked while wagging his tail rapidly.. Your eyebrows pulled closer down together in confusion as you couldn't comprehend his gestures.

"What happened Tannie?" You asked, being totally befuddled. Then he took a small stride towards you and rubbed his head on your ankle, like he is showing you his love.

"I have work, baby. We will play later." You smiled before proceeding your steps ahead. You were about to walk away from there when you felt a pull on your dress which made you halt on your deed. You looked down only to find Tan who was grasping the corner of your dress into his mouth and pulling you backwards..

"Hey what are you doing Tan? Leave my dress or else you will tear it with your razor like teeths." You said and pulled the fabric from his mouth.. He suddenly stood up on his four before gazing at the house and then barked.

You spear a quick glance at the house and then your gaze got back to your pet who was barking nonstop. You found it suspicious as a concerned frown appeared on your visage.

Everything was fine with him till a while back but now he is behaving strangely again. He was barking while staring at the door like he could see someone but in actuality no one was there..

"Tannie stop!! You again start your barking session without any reason, huh?" (you huffed and bowed down to his level)

"Calm down, my boy!! Why are you barking? No one was there, chill." You said wearily being so exhausted after a long tiring day whereas your fingers were caressing his head in order to calm him down and it worked. He stopped barking and sat down squarely with hips, knees and hocks aligned nicely..

Seeing his normal state you sighed and straightened your back to stride away but once again Tan stopped you by taking your dress in his mouth and jerked your backward as a result of which you stumbled a little but you were fast enough to maintain your stature and get triggered...

"WHAT THE HELL, TAN? DIDN'T I TOLD YOU TO STOP." You yelled and pulled the fabric of your dress harshly from his grasp and it ripped from the corner. Your yelling sound made him scared as he whined in a low voice and put his entire body low to the ground in submission which made you sighed, seeing his goomy face. Your eyes softened as you crouched down and cupped his face between your palms.

"Did I scare you, Tan? I didn't mean to yell at you.. it just- (you let out a deep breath) I'm sorry for letting out my frustrations on you, baby."

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