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On the other hand..
Karima :- ( I'm in his car..and I didn't ulter a single word).
Taehyung :- ( I'm driving the car..but she is I thought to break the silence). Karima..U always came here..
Karima :- Where..
Taehyung :- Orphanage...
Karima :- Huh..sometime..btw u drop me there..
Taehyung :- But we didn't arrive yet..
Karima :- Um..Taehyung..( saying sweetly).
Taehyung :- Huh..( shocked). Why she is behaving weird today..( in mind ).
Karima :- Taehyung...I said to drop me here...
Taehyung :- But..we arrive almost..
Karima :- Tae..( How can I tell him..I don't want to come here..bcz Y/n told me to buy balloons and flower..for Alina birthday).
Taehyung :- Be quite now..( then we arrive orphanage). Now let's go inside ..
Karima :- U also coming with me..
Taehyung :- Yeah..bcz Jin message the meeting is over so..I thought to spend some time with u...
Karima :- U..What...( No...).
Taehyung :- What happened karima is everything ok..( when I'm going inside the orphanage).
Karima :- ( sorry Y/n..I have no choice to tell him the truth ). Taehyung..actually wait..
Taehyung :- Say..
Karima :- I lie to u..I don't come here..actually Tae today..Alina I want to prepare for her and surprised her..( I tell him in one breath ).
Taehyung :- U lie to me..Karima..U thought .I'll spoil ur plan that why will not tell me right..
Karima :- Its not..that tae..
Taehyung :- Then what it's huh..Alina is also like sis to can u lie to me-
Karima : ( When he say another words..I peck him on his he shut up his mouth ).
Taehyung :- ( I'm shocked).
Karima :-'s not I mean to lie to u..actually every time me and Y/n surprised her to her birthday..and After preparing we thought to tell u can u forgive me..
Taehyung :- ( Still in shocked).
Karima :- Taehyung..( I shake him).
Taehyung :- Ahh..Yeah..Ok now..I'll forgive u..
Time skip
In the Evening
A/n Pov :- Taehyung and Jungkook and karima and Jimin and Y/n..did all the preparation..and now the guest is come..and also karima and Y/ Alina to ready her..for birthday...but she don't known about theirs plans..and they tell her to come on spa..
(End of the A/n Pov)
Karima :- Where is she now..
Y/n :- U tell her to come here..
Karima :- Yeah..
Y/n :- Call her..ask where is she..
Karima :- Hm..ok..( I'm calling her)..
:- Hello..
Karima :- Hello..Alina..where are u..
Alina :- Karima..I'm not coming..bcz the restaurant..owner is not here..And also today is my late night I can't able to come..
Karima :- What...
Y/n :- ( I'm confused).
Karima :- We thought..we hang out together..
Alina :- Yeah..I known..
Karima :- Ok then take care..
Alina :- Hm..
Karima :- ( I hang up the call ).
Y/n :- What she tell u..she is coming right..
Karima :- Y/n..she is not coming..bcz she have night shift..
Y/n :- What..if she is not come in the party..our plan will be failed..
Karima :- Yeah..but..We need to tell them..
Y/n :- No..wait..her night shift is became cancel..then she will
Karima :- Yes..U have any plan in ur mind..
Y/n :- Yeah..( smirk).
1 hour later...
Alina :- Hey guys..
Karima :- Hello..
Y/n :- Btw u tell us u r not coming right..then..( I pretend I don't known any thing ).
Alina :- I don't known..what happend our restaurant owner..he came in the restaurant and tell me not do night shift..bcz in night he want to some spend time with his wife..such a lame excuse..he will give me..
Karima :- Really..wierd..
Y/n :- ( Then Flashback came in my mind ).
1 hour before..
Y/n :- our restaurant owner..
Karima :- But why..
Y/n :- what I said..
Karima :- Ok..( Then I call our restaurant owner )..
Owner :- Hello...
Karima :- Hel-..
Y/n :- Give me..( Then I started talk to him)..Sir..I want a leave..
Owner :- who are u..
Y/n :- I'm Y/n..
Owner :- But..u are ur leave..
Y/n :- Its not about's about Alina..
Owner :- But she didn't tell me..she want leave..
Y/n :- Yeah..Sir..actually today is Alina birthday..and she don't remember t9day is her birthday..and we held a surprised party..for her..
Owner :-'s that so..ok then..I'll tell her..
Y/n :- No..Sir..dont tell her..I talk to u..
Owner :- Ok.. by..
Y/n :- Hmm..( I hang up).
Back to the present..
Alina :- Y/n..where u lost..
Y/n :- Nothing..let's go..
Alina :- Where..
Karima :- Now..stop talking...( then we went to the Spa).
Alina :- Btw why we came there something..occasion..
Y/n :- Nah..Actually Jungkook tell me..that their company may collaborate.and his partners and client is coming..tonight...that why they held a the mansion..( I lie to her ).
Alina :-
Karima :- Yeah..
Alina :- Ok..then..let's get ready..
Y/n :- Yeah..
Girl 1 :- Mam..How can I help u..
Y/n :- We need to do the Spa.. and make over and also do some change in our hairstyle..
Girl 1 :- Ok..mam as u say..plz be sited..
Karima :- Hmm..
Alina :- (We sit on the chairs..And they started their work ).
Time skip..
A/n Pov :- They are ready and then 3 of then went to the shopping select their dresses..
(End of the A/n Pov)
Y/n :- Hey this it is..
Alina :-'s suit u..
Y/n :- Hey's for u..
Alina :- But...Y/'s so short..
Karima :- it's is..
Alina :- u look Great in that dress..
Karima :- Hey..Pabo..this is for u..
Alina :- But's over revealing..
Karima :- Shut up..try both dress..
Y/n :- Yeah..
Alina :- But..
Karima/Y/n :- No..but..( Then we push her in trail room)..
Then she came out to Wear..Y/n dress..

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